459 owing to the peculiar style of those writers who were popular in his youth, and may be mentioned as a remarkable instance of the disproportion of parti- cular talents to general vigour of mind."1 Laing was intimately acquainted with Charles Fox, with whom he conducted an ample correspond- ence, the letters of which on both sides still, we believe, exist unpublished, and would certainly form a very interesting addition to our epistolary informa- tion regarding great men. That eminent statesman frequently quoted the historical works of Mr. Laing, as containing matter which could be relied on for its authenticity; and Laing became an active and zealous supporter of the short administration of his friend, during which he represented his native county in parliament. It is said, that notwithstanding the disadvantages of his manner, he was listened to and much respected as a speaker; and he gave all the assistance which so short a period admitted to the plans of the ministry for improving the Scottish courts of law. After his brief appearance as a legis- lator, the state of his health prevented him from interfering in public business. Whether from exces- sive study and exertion, or his natural habit of body, he suffered under a nervous disorder of excessive severity, which committed frightful ravages on his constitution; and it is said that he was required to be frequently supported in an artificial position to prevent him from fainting. He retired to his estate in Orkney, and his health being to a certain extent restored by a cessation from laborious intellectual pursuits, his ever-active mind employed itself in useful exercise within his narrow sphere of exertion: he improved his own lands, introduced better methods of cultivation than had been previously practised in the district, and experimented in the breeding of merino sheep. He died in the end of the year 1818, having, notwithstanding the great celebrity of his works, been so much personally forgotten by the literary world, that it is with difficulty we have been enabled to collect matter sufficient for an outline of his life. He was married to Miss Carnegie, daughter of a gentleman in Forfarshire, and sister-in-law to Lord Gillies. His property was succeeded to by Samuel Laing, his elder brother.2 Besides the works we have discussed above, it may be mentioned that he edited the Life of James VI., published in 1804. LAING, WILLIAM. This well-known dealer in rich and rare literary productions, whose shop was a Herculaneum of the treasures of past ages, was born in Edinburgh, on the 2Oth of July, 1764, After having received his education at the grammar high- school of the Canongate, he made choice of the trade of a printer for his future occupation, and served to it a six years' apprenticeship. This selection was an unlucky one, owing to the weakness of his eyes; and therefore, instead of following it out, he became a bookseller, for which his apprenticeship had com- pletely qualified him. In his case, too, it was not the showy and ephemeral, yet money-making, books of modern literature that constituted his stock in trade; but the choicest British and foreign editions of the old classical authors of every language—works which only the learned could appreciate, in spite of the dust and dingy vellum with which they were covered. His shop for this species of unostenta- tious, slow-going, and precarious traffic, was first opened in the Canongate in 1785; afterwards he re- moved lower down the street to Chessel's Buildings, where he remained till 1803, at which date he re- moved to the South Bridge, where he permanently 1 Ed. Rev. xliv. 37. 2 Ed. Annual Register, 1818, p. 250. established his emporium. During these changes his reputation as a collector of valuable old books continued to increase, until it was established among the learned over the whole island, so that his shop became a well-known repertory for those scarce volumes which his thriving brethren in the trade did not possess, and probably had never even heard of. All this, too, was the fruit of ardent disinterested zeal and untiring diligence in his profession. From the year 1786 he had continued to issue an almost annual succession of catalogues. He knew all the scarce works of antiquity, as to the best editions in which they had been published, the places at which they were to be found in Britain or upon the Con- tinent, and the prices at which they were to be pur- chased. And he was ready to communicate this valuable information to the literary inquirers who frequented his shop for intelligence that could not well be obtained elsewhere. The labour of travel was added to that of painstaking home research and inquiry, and that too at a time when Edinburgh booksellers and traffickers in general limited their journeys to the coast of Fife, or even the ranges of the Pentlands. Thus, in 1793, when the French revolution was at the wildest, he visited Paris, for the purpose of making himself acquainted with such knowledge of his vocation as his own country could not supply, and ascertaining what were the best editions of those authors that are most in request. It was no ordinary zeal that made him pursue such a task amidst the roar of the Parisian pikemen and the clank of the guillotine—more especially when every stranger there was at least '' suspected of being suspected." Another similar pilgrimage he made in 1799, Learning that Christian VII., King of Den- mark, had been advised to dispose of the numerous duplicates contained in the royal library at Copen- hagen, and being instigated by the advice of the cele- brated Niebuhr, at that time a student in the univer- sity of Edinburgh, Mr. Laing repaired to the Danish capital, and there made such arrangements upon the sale of the duplicates with the privy-councillor, Dr. Moldenhawer, as was satisfactory to both parties. When the peace of Amiens had introduced a breath- ing interval in the wars of the revolution, Mr. Laing repeatedly visited France and Holland, still for the purpose of extending his professional knowledge, which he readily imparted to the scholars of his own country. The immense amount of information he had thus acquired, was enhanced by his kind gener- ous temper, and modest unassuming manners. During the war that followed the delusive peace of Amiens, by which the whole Continent was closed against British visitors, Mr. Laing was worthily em- ployed in raising the literary character of his native country in the department of printing. And for this, indeed, he saw that there was too much need. The distinguished brothers, the Foulis of Glasgow, had passed away, and left no successors in their room. In Edinburgh, so soon to assume the name of "Mo- dern Athens," the case was still worse; for except Ruddiman's Livy and Cunningham's Virgil, no classical work had issued from her press worth men- tioning. In 1804 he commenced the attempt by publishing the works of Thucydides in six volumes, small 8vo, under the following title, Thucydides Grace et Latine; accedunt Indices: ex Editione Wassii et Dtikeri. In printing this work Mr. Laing was for- tunate in having for the superintendent of the press the Rev. Peter Elmsley, who attained such a high European distinction in Grecian literature. In 1806 the works of Thucydides were followed by those of Herodotus, in seven volumes, small 8vo, under the title of Herodotus Greece et Latine; accedunt Anno~