504 first in Europe or the world. The renovation which he effected was, indeed, most radically complete. The whole of the old trash was thrown aside, and its place supplied by new instruments, constructed on the most improved principles by the most cele- brated artists both in this country and on the Con- tinent; while its absolute amount was increased tenfold, and adapted in the happiest manner to the present advanced state of science. His perseverance and enthusiasm in this respect were indeed boundless; and as his predecessors were not experimentalists, in the same sense in which he was, and had made little or no effort to accommodate the apparatus to the progress of science, or even to repair the wear and tear of time, he had the whole to create, in the same way as if the class had only been founded when he was first promoted to the chair. By his own continued and admirably-directed efforts, aided by the liberality of the patrons, who generously made him several grants in furtherance of the object which he had so much at heart—and also by very consider- able pecuniary sacrifices upon his own part, for which he has never as yet got the credit that is so justly due to him—he at length succeeded in furnishing the apparatus-room in the manner in which it may now be seen by any one who chooses to visit it, and thus conferred upon the university a benefit for which it ought to be for ever grateful to his memory. This may sound strange in the ears of those who have been accustomed to hear it said, as it has often been, most falsely, that Sir John Leslie was a bad experi- menter. The truth is, that of all his great and varied gifts, none was more remarkable than the delicacy and success with which he performed the most diffi- cult experiments, excepting perhaps his intuitive sagacity in instantly detecting the cause of an acci- dental failure; and it is a known fact, that, after he had discovered and communicated to the world his celebrated process of artificial congelation, particu- larly as applied to the freezing of mercury, some of the first men of science in London failed of performing it, till the discoverer himself, happening to be on the spot personally, showed them wherein consisted the fault of their manipulation, and at once performed the experiment which had previously baffled all their efforts. It is equally well known to those who were acquainted with him, that the most elegant in form as well as the most delicate in operation of the beautiful instruments invented by himself were constructed by his own hand, and that this, to him most agreeable employment, constituted the recrea- tion of his leisure hours. The apparatus-room, indeed, contains many specimens of his workmanship in this line, and they are of such a description as would not do any discredit to the most practised and skilful artist. To his immediate successor his acqui- sitions and his labours will therefore be of incalcu- lable importance; but the merit which really belongs to him can only be duly estimated by those who know what he found when he became professor of natural philosophy, and can compare it with the treasures which he has left behind him."1 1 Some further particulars respecting his various talents and acquirements may be gathered from the following notice which appeared in the Edinburgh Courant, and seems to be the pro- duction of one qualified in more ways than one to speak upon the subject:—" Sir John Leslie has been for many years known in this country, and over all Europe, as one of the most eminent characters of the age. As a mathematician and philosopher—as a profound and accomplished scholar—as a proficient in general literature, and in history and many other branches of know- ledge—he had few rivals. But it was for mathematical science and its kindred studies that he discovered, at a very early period, a decided predilection; and it is in the successful illus- tration of scientific truth and of all the complicated phenomena of physics that his great reputation has been acquired. In LEVEN, EARL OF. See LESLIE (ALEXANDER). LEYDEN, JOHN, a man of singularly varied genius and accomplishment, was born on the 8th of Sep- tember, 1775, at Denholm, a village on the banks of the Teviot, in the parish of Cavers and county of Roxburgh. His parents were John Leyden and Isa- bella Scott, who had three sons and two daughters younger than himself. His ancestors in both lines had been farmers on the estate of Cavers for several generations; but his father, though skilful in rural affairs, declined to engage on his own account in the same occupation, thinking even the fortunate pursuit of gain a poor compensation for the anxiety that attends it. About a year after the birth of their first child, he removed to Henlawshiel on the farm of Nether Tofts, which was then occupied by Andrew Blythe, his wife's uncle, whom he first served as shepherd, and subsequently as overseer, his master having had the misfortune to lose his sight. The these pursuits he was eminently qualified to excel by the great original powers of his mind, which were further stimulated by an ardent enthusiasm, and an early desire of distinction among the illustrious names of his day. Along with a profound knowledge of his subject, he possessed great inventive powers, which not only enabled him to sound the depths of science, but to expound its important problems with a simplicity and elegance rarely equalled. In making his way through the intricacies of physical research, his severe judgment guided him in the right path; and hence his demonstrations always afford a striking and beautiful display of pure reason, without any tendency to that spirit of metaphysical subtlety which occasionally per- plexes the speculations of Laplace, Legendre, with others of the continental philosophers; and it is worthy of remark that, along with the penetrating force of his judgment, he carried into those studies that taste and fancy—that predilection for the beautiful—which may be recognized in all his speculations, whether in literature or in science. His taste in geometry was founded on the purest models of Grecian philosophy; he de- lighted to expound to his pupils the simplicity and elegance of the demonstrations by the great masters of antiquity; he com- mended them to their imitation, and expatiated on the subject in a manner well fitted to inspire a kindred enthusiasm; so that we might have fancied that he was dilating, not on the merits of a mathematical problem, but on some of those beauti- ful forms and classic models of ancient art which have been the wonder of all succeeding times. Nor was this admiration of ancient geometry a mere pedantic or barren speculation. The great philosopher of whom we are speaking carried his principles into practice, and applied the abstract properties of figures with the happiest success to experimental philosophy ; many branches of which he greatly extended by his discover- ies; and in all of them he developed the most original views, which may yet be traced to important results. The range of his studies was amazingly extensive; and he had accumulated vast stores of knowledge, especially on scientific subjects. He was deeply versed in the history of science, which he had traced from its earliest dawnings in the times of Greece and Rome, through all the subsequent vicissitudes which it expe- rienced during the dark ages of barbarism, till it was revived by the Arabians in the East, and was afterwards improved and perfected by the more brilliant discoveries of modern times. We speak literally when we say, that we doubt if there is a single publication relating to this subject, either in the ancient or the modern languages, which he had not diligently perused; and his knowledge, minute and accurate on every point, and, once acquired, never forgotten, overflowed in his conversation and in his writings. The date of any great discovery was familiar to him; he could give anecdotes or biographical sketches of all the great promoters of science in every age; and the prodigality of his information was not more surprising than the ease with which he preserved its disposition and ar- rangement, under certain great leading principles, which were the landmarks of his mind, by which the store of facts which he had been treasuring up for years was reduced into order, and each distributed into its proper place in the great system of which it formed a part. For the truth of this remark we may refer to the 'History of the Barometer' in the Edinburgh Review, and to his papers on meteorology and other subjects in the Encyclopedia Britannica, to his continuation of Play fair's Introductory Discourses prefixed to that work, as well as to many of his other productions, which display the great extent of his researches. On other subjects also, not con- nected with his peculiar studies, his information was minute and extensive. He was deeply read in Scottish history and antiquities; and on all modern questions of-politics or political economy he had his own original ideas, which he was always ready to express and expound in a fair and temperate strain."