262 was only commenced in his own lifetime, is accord- ingly conspicuous for the elegance displayed both in its general arrangement and in its details, and has become a favourite residence with such individuals as do not find it necessary, for professional reasons, to live nearer the centre of the city. In 1814 Raeburn was made an associate of the Royal Academy, and in the subsequent year he be- came an academician. He afterwards obtained from foreign countries many honours of the same kind. In 1822, when George IV. visited Scotland, the long-established fame of Raeburn, together with his fortune and gentlemanly manners, pointed him out as an individual in whom the king might signify his respect for Scottish art, and he was accordingly knighted at Hopetoun House, on the last day of his majesty's residence in the country. Some weeks afterwards his brethren in art, now increased to a large and respectable body, gave him a dinner as a token of their admiration of his talents and character. In his speech on this occasion he said modestly that he was glad of their approbation, and had tried to merit it; for he had never indulged in a mean or selfish spirit towards any brother-artists, nor had at any time withheld the praise which was due to them, when their works happened to be mentioned. Sir Henry received afterwards the appointment of portrait-painter to his majesty for Scotland; a nomi- nation, however, which was not announced to him till the very day when he was seized with his last illness. The king, when conferring the dignity of knighthood, had expressed a wish to have a portrait of himself painted by this great artist; but Sir Henry's numerous engagements prevented him from visiting the metropolis for that purpose. It reflects great honour on the subject of this memoir, that he never gave way to those secure and indolent habits which advanced age and established reputation are so apt to engender. He continued, with all the enthusiasm of a student, to seek and to attain further improve- ment. The pictures of his two or three last years are unquestionably the best that he ever painted. But perhaps the most interesting part of his recent works consists in a series of half-length portraits of eminent Scotsmen, which during this period he exe- cuted for his private gratification. This amiable and excellent man was suddenly affected with a general decay and debility, not ac- companied by any visible complaint. This state of illness, after continuing for about a week to baffle all the efforts of medical skill, terminated fatally on the 8th July, 1823, when he had reached the age of sixty-seven. Few men were better calculated to command re- spect in society than Sir Henry Raeburn. His varied knowledge, his gentlemanly and agreeable manners, an extensive command of anecdote, always well told and happily introduced, the general correctness and propriety of his whole deportment, made him be highly valued by many of the most distinguished individuals in Edinburgh, both as a companion and as a friend. His conversation might be said in some degree to resemble his style of painting—there was the same ease and simplicity, the same total absence of affectation of every kind, and the same manly turn of sense and genius. But we are not aware that the humorous gaiety and sense of the ludicrous, which often enlivened his conversation, ever guided his pencil. Sir Henry Raeburn, like Raphael, Michael An- gelo, and some other masters of the art, possessed the advantages of a tall and commanding person, and a noble and expressive countenance. He ex- celled in archery, golf, and other Scottish exercises; and it may be added that, while engaged in paint- ing, his step and attitudes were at once stately and graceful. By his lady, who survived him ten years, Sir Henry had two sons: Peter, a youth of great pro- mise, who died at nineteen; and Henry, who, with his wife and family, lived under the same roof with his father during the whole of their joint lives, and was his most familiar friend and companion. To the children of this gentleman the illustrious painter left the bulk of his fortune, chiefly consisting of houses and ground-rents in the suburb of St. Ber- nards. RAMSAY, ALLAN, the celebrated poet, was born at the village of Leadhills, in Lanarkshire, October 15, 1686. His parentage was highly respectable, and his ancestry even dignified. His father, Robert Ramsay, was manager of the lead-mines in Craw- fordmuir, belonging to the Earl of Hopetoun; and his mother, Alice Bower, was the daughter of a gentleman who had been brought from Derbyshire to introduce and oversee some improvements in the management of the mines. His grandfather, Robert Ramsay, writer or notary in Edinburgh, was the son of Captain John Ramsay, a son of Ramsay of Cock- pen, whose family was a branch of the Ramsays of Dalhousie, afterwards ennobled.1 A grandmother of the poet, moreover, was Janet Douglas, daughter of Douglas of Muthil. Though thus well descended, he was reared in the midst of poverty. He had the misfortune to lose his father while he was yet an in- fant; and his mother seems almost immediately to have married a Mr. Crighton, a small landholder in the neighbourhood. Whether this last circumstance was an additional misfortune, as has been generally assumed by his biographers, we think may reasonably be questioned. It is not at all probable that his father, dying at the age of twenty-five, could have much property; and the use and wont of even a small landholder's house is not likely to have been beneath that of a poor widow's. His mother had a number of children to Mr. Crighton; but the subject of this memoir seems to have been cared for in the same way as those were, and to have enjoyed all the advantages appropriate to the same station in life. He had the benefit of the parish school till he was in his fifteenth year—an extent of education not yet common in Scotland, except when attendance on the university is included. Of the progress he had made in his studies we have unfortunately no particular account; it certainly made him acquainted with Horace, as is abundantly evident in his poems. In the year 1700 Ramsay lost his mother; and in the following year his step-father carried him into Edinburgh, and apprenticed him to a periwig-maker, which appears to have been at that time a flourish- ing profession. Ramsay himself, it is said, wished to have been a painter; and his step-father has been reflected on as acting with niggardly sharp-sighted- ness in refusing to comply with his wishes. There is not, however, in the numerous writings of Ram- say, one single hint that any violence was, on this occasion, done to his feelings; and we think the re- flection might well have been spared. Those who have borne the burden of rearing a family upon limited means know the impossibility of indulging either their own wishes or those of their children in 1 The laird of Cockpen here mentioned is usually repre- sented as a brother of Ramsay of Dalhousie; but the branch seems to have left the main stock at a much earlier period than that would imply. The first Ramsay of Cockpen was a son of Sir Alexander Ramsay, who was knighted at the coronation of James I. in 1424.