67 It is now proper to recur to the great border district of Annandale, which merged in the crown with the accession of Bruce. This munificent prince conferred that ancient property of his respectable family on his nephew, Randolph, Earl of Murray, who had merited any favour by his services. On that occasion, perhaps, Annandale became a stewartry, if it did not exist before under such a regimen (d); and Annandale continued a stewartry, from those early times till the final abolition of such jurisdictions by parlia- mentary power. When Edward III., by his artifice as well as by his arms, obtained possession of this district, he appointed a steward for the country, and a constable for the castle of Lochmaben (e). When John, Earl of Murray, fell in 1346, the lordship of Annandale passed to his sister, Black Agnes, the celebrated daughter of the first earl, the wife of Patrick, Earl of March. Their son, Earl George, by his impolicy and rebellion, in 1400, lost this noble inheritance, when it passed, as a penalty for both, to his rival, Archibald, Earl of Douglas. This potent lord of Annandale, in 1409, conferred the office of steward on Sir Herbert, the eldest son of Sir Robert Maxwell of Caerlaverock. This grant was confirmed, in the same year by Robert the Regent, Duke of Albany (f); and thenceforth the stewartship tions £1621 8s. 5d. ; a sum which, evinces that the Court of Session deemed his local jurisdic- tions more vexatious to the people than profitable to the proprietor. In former times, there appears to have been attached to the sheriff's court of Dumfries an officer, who was called Demster or Domster, whose duty it was to proclaim the sheriffs' judgments in court. Acta Parl., ii. 94. Demster-toun, in Dunscore parish, may have derived its name from the residence of such an officer. The highest as well as the lowest courts in Scotland had their Demsters. Acta Parl. (d) Robertson's Index, 9 :—Adam de Corrie, " tunc Senescallus Vallis Annandię," witnessed a charter of Thomas Randolph, the Earl of Murray, and Lord of Annandale and of Man, to his nephew, William de Murray, of the lands of Cumlongan and Rywell, [Ruthwell]. Charter, in my library. (e) Rot. Scotię, i. 263-4. In addition, he appointed a chancellor for Lochmaben and Annandale. Ib. In Nicholson's Border Laws, may be seen " The order to be observed in the Stewart Court of Annandale," which sat every Saturday in the Tolbooth of Lochmaben. The stewart, who had a chancellary, held pleas of the crown as well as pleas real and personal. (f) Douglas's Peerage, 517. Sir Herbert's grandson, of the same favourite name, obtained from James II. a confirmation of the stewartship of Annandale. His accounts, as stewart of Annandale, still remain in the Exchequer. Cannichael's Tracts, 23. In 1508, John Lord Maxwell, the heritable stewart of Annandale, was in arrear to the King no less than £3745 1s. 1d. upon his account, and being unable to pay that sum, he obtained from the King, on 15th July 1508, a remission of the whole, on engaging to pay a composition of £1000. Privy Seal Regr., iv. 21. He paid this composition to the King's treasurer on the 7th of March 1508-9. Treasurer's Accounts.