444 THE TABULAr STATE. Parishes. Extent in Acres. Inhabitants. 1755. 1801. 1881. Est. Free. Churches. 8 U.P. Epis. R.C. Ref. Pres U.O.Sec. 1 755 Stipends. . 17 98. Valuation. 1887-88. £ S. D. £ S. D. £ S. D. Wigton, 9,633 1,032 1,475 2,198 1 1 1 — 1 — _ 73 16 8 140 2 0 5,901 8 3 Sorbie, - 11,366 968 1,091 1,696 1 1 — — — — — 76 10 0 111 10 0 14,815 15 o Kirkcowan, - - 35,865 795 787 1,307 1 — 1 __ __ __ — 51 16 0 115 17 4 9,299 8 3 Mochrum, - 25,601 828 1,113 2,315 1 1 1 __ __ __ — 61 17 9 122 4 0 14,836 11 6 Penninghame, - 34,762 1,509 2,569 3,940 1 2 1 1 1 — — 70 17 9 114 9 9 22,353 15 3 Whithorn, - 12,061½ 1,412 1,904 2,929 1 2 1—11 — 81 15 6 121 13 2 14,815 14 5 Glasserton, - 13,889 809 860 1,203 1 — _ _ _ _ 69 3 4 131 14 0 13,513 10 7 Kirkinner, - 17,949 792 1,160 1,597 1 — _ _ _ _ 78 8 4 129 4 0 15,200 1 0 Stranraer, 100 610 1,722 6,415 2 2 2—11 1 62 10 0 104 18 10 22,270 8 3 Kirkcolm, - 14,165Ύ 765 1,191 1,847 1 1 _____ — 65 8 10 93 0 2 12,380 9 9 Stoneykirk, - - 20,769 1,151 1,848 2,766 1 1 — — — — - 73 17 11 133 18 8 19,346 9 2 Inch, - 31,919 1,513 1,577 3,766 2 2 _____ — 68 2 3 123 14 10 16,732 0 2 Kirkmaiden, - 14,566 1,051 1,613 2,446 1 1 _____ — 57 16 1 88 16 8 14,306 1 0 Leswalt, - 13,018| 652 1,329 2,635 1 1 _____ - 57 7 3 113 16 10 9,126 19 0 New Luce, - - 28,929 459 368 706 1 1 _____ — 52 10 0 75 6 8 5,901 0 0 Portpatrick, - 9,145 611 1,090 1,285 1 1 _______ — 55 5 10 130 12 3 6,403 3 1 Old Luce, - 33,798 1,509 1,221 2,447 1 1 1 __ __ __ 72 4 5 127 8 8 18,381 15 9 Totals (y), - 16,466 22,918 19 18 8 1 4 2 1 1,129 7 11 1,978 7 2 * 250,284 5 9 * Total including Railways. (y) The patrons of those parishes, who have a right to present the ministers, are as follows :—The king presents to Sorbie, to Mochrum, to Whithorn, to GHasserton, to Stranraer, to Leswalt, to New Luce, to Old Luce. The king presents, by turns, with Agnew of Sheuchan, to Kirkinner; the king presents, by turns, with Hawthorn of Garthland, to Stoneykirk. The Earl of Galloway presents to Wigton, to Penninghame, to Kirkcolm. Agnew of Sheuchan, presents to Kirkcowan and to Kirkinner, by turns, with the king. Hawthorn of Garthland, presents by turns, with the king, to Stoneykirk. The Earl of Stair presents to Kirkmaiden. Hunter Blair of Dunr y, presents to Port Patrick. In the statement of the ministers' stipends, in 1798, the value of the glebes was included, but not the value of the manses. The bear was valued at 16s., and the meal at 15s. per boll, Lin- lithgow measure; being an average of the fiar prices of Wigtonshire for seven years, ending with 1795. The stipends of Sorbie, Mochrum, Penninghame, Whithorn, Glasserton, Kirkinner, Kirkmaiden, Leswalt, Port Patrick, and Old Luce, were augmented, between 1791 and 1798.