755 revenues. At the Reformation this vicarage was held by Sir David Dalgleish, who reported that the revenues were let for 50 marks yearly, payable to him, and 20 marks more which were payable to Laurence Leschman, a minister who had been placed in the said church by the Reformers (k). On the 20th of May 1567, James Earl of Bothwell, the patron, presented Walter Tweedie as an exhorter to the vicarage of the parish church of Walston; but Both- well being soon after denounced a rebel before Tweedie obtained collation, he obtained a grant of the benefice from the Regent Moray on the 3rd of September 1567 (l). At the Reformation the rectorial tithes of the church of Walston, which belonged to the chapter of the cathedral of Glasgow, were let to the parishioners for £40 yearly (m). The rectorial tithes of this parish were afterwards granted to the college of Glasgow, but the whole of these tithes did not furnish a competent stipend to the parochial minister (n). The barony of Walston, comprehending the lands of Walston and Ellsridgehill, with the patronage of the church of Walston, were granted by James VI. to John Earl of Mar, and this grant was excepted from a revocation which was made in parliament on the 29th of November 1581 (o). In the 17th century the barony of Walston, with the patronage of the church, was sold by the Earl of Mar to Mr. Bail lie, a son of Baillie of St. John's-kirk, and his grand- son held this property in 1702 (p). It afterwards passed to Lockhart of Lee and Carnwath, and this family still hold the estate and the patronage of the parish church. [The parish church (restored 1881) has 120 communicants; stipend, £195. A Free church at Ellsridgehill or Elsrickle has 92 members.] 49. The parish of DOLPHINTON, or Dolfinstoun as it was anciently called, derived its appellation from a person who was named Dolftn, who settled here in the 12th century, and gave to the place of his settlement the name of Dolfuistoun. This name continued long in the original form, bat in (k) MS. Rental Book, fo. 18. (/) Privy Seal Reg., xxxvii. 5-6. (m) MS. Rental Book, 7. (n) Hamilton of Wishaw's MS. Account, 52. (o) Acta Parl., iii. 245. The lands and barony of Walston, with the advowson of the church, were included in the grant of the whole property of the Earldom of Bothwell, on the 16th of June 1581, to Francis Stewart, who was created Earl of Bothwell; and this grant was ratified by parliament on the 29th of November 1561, when a protest was made against the grant to the Earl of Mar. Ib. 237, 257. The attainder of Francis Earl of Bothwell in 1593, extinguished whatever right he had to the barony of Walston. and left the Earl of Mar in undisputed possession of the whole property spiritual and temporal. (p) Hamilton of Wishaw's MS. Account, 52. The barony and the parish of Walston were co-extensive ; and they comprehended the lands of Walston and Elgerigill, which is now called Ellsridgehill.