52 KIDNAPPED. Now, I longed to see the inside of a ship more than words can tell; but I was not going to put myself in jeopardy, and I told him my uncle and I had an appoint- ment with a lawyer. "Ay, ay," said he, "he passed me word of that But, ye see, the boat'll set ye ashore at the town pier, and that's but a penny stonecast from Rankeillor's house.' And here he suddenly leaned down and whispered in my ear: "Take care of the old tod;* he means mischief. Come aboard till I can get a word with ye." And then, passing his arm through mine, he continued aloud, as he set off towards his boat: "But come, what can I bring ye from the Carolinas? Any friend of Mr. Balfour's can command. A roll of tobacco? Indian feather work? A skin of a wild beast? a stone pipe? the mocking-bird that mews for all the world like a cat ? the cardinal bird that is as red as blood ?-take your pick and say your pleasure." By this time we were at the boat-side, and he was handing me in. I did not dream of hanging back; I thought (the poor fool !) that I had found a good friend and helper, and I was rejoiced to see the ship. As soon as we were all set in our places, the boat was thrust off from the pier and began to move over the waters; and what with my pleasure in this new movement and my surprise at our low position, and the appearance of the shores, and the growing bigness of the brig as we drew near to it, I could hardly understand what the captain said, and must have answered him at random. * Fox.