58 KIDNAPPED. "Admitting that you have been paid to do a murder------" he began. Hoseason turned upon him with a flash. "What's that?" he cried. "What kind of talk is that?" "It seems it is the talk that you can understand," said Mr. Riach, looking him steadily in the face. "Mr. Riach, I have sailed with ye three cruises," replied the captain. " In all that time, sir, ye should have learned to know me : I'm a stiff man, and a dour man; but for what ye say the now-fie, fie !-it comes from a bad heart and a black conscience. If ye say the lad will die-----" "Ay, will he!" said Mr. Riach. "Well, sir, is not that enough?" said Hoseason. "Flit him where ye please!" Thereupon the captain ascended the ladder; and I, who had lain silent throughout this strange conversa- tion, beheld Mr. Riach turn after him and bow as low as to his knees in what was plainly a spirit of derision. Even in my then state of sickness, I perceived two things: that the mate was touched with liquor, as the captain hinted, and that (drunk or sober) he was like to prove a valuable friend. Five minutes afterwards my bonds were cut, I was hoisted on a man's back, carried up to the forecastle, and laid in a bunk on some sea-blankets; where the first thing that I did was to lose my senses. It was a blessed thing indeed to open my eyes again