THE CAPTAIN KNUCKLES UNDER. 99 "But see, sir, where we lie, we are but a few hours' sail from Ardnamurchan," said Hoseason. "Give me sixty, and I'll set ye there." "And I'm to wear my brogues and run jeopardy of the red coats to please you?" cries Alan. "No, sir, if ye want sixty guineas, earn them, and set me in my own country." "It's to risk the brig, sir," said the captain, "and your own lives along with her." "Take it or want it," says Alan. "Could ye pilot us at all?" asked the captain, who was frowning to himself. "Well, it's doubtful," said Alan. "I'm more of a fighting man (as ye have seen for yoursel') than a sailor- man. But I have been often enough picked up and set down upon this coast, and should ken something of the lie of it." The captain shook his head, still frowning. "If I had lost less money on this unchancy cruise," says he, "I would see you in a rope's-end before I risked my brig, sir. But be it as ye will. As soon as I get a slant of wind (and there's some coming, or I'm the more mistaken) I'll put it in hand. But there's one thing more. We may meet in with a king's ship and she may lay us aboard, sir, with no blame of mine: they keep the cruisers thick upon this coast, ye ken who for. Now, sir, if that was to befall, ye might leave the money." "Captain," says Alan, "if ye see a pennant, it shall H 2