? Statement shewing the number and nature of the leprosy cases treated in the Leper Asylum of the City Poor-house at Lucknow from April 1875 to March 1876. Number. Name. Place of residence. Occupation. Caste Sex. Age. Heredirary or not. How long suffering. Disease. Symptoms on admission. Date of admission How long trated. Result of treatment. 1 Omaida Mahaia ... None Hindu Female 40 years Not ... 18 years Leprosy, anęsthetic No ulceration ; skin contracted and insensible. 22nd April 1875 11 mouths... Progress arrested. 2 Muhammad Ali Ipgaon ... Beggar Mussulman Male 45 do... Do. ... 18 do. Do. tubercular Toes dropped off; ulcers at several places ; skin thick- ened; left eye blind. 22nd do. 11 do. ... Do. do. 3 Rohim Lucknow .. Do. ... Do. Do. ... 30 do... Do. ... 9 do. Do. do. ... Ulcers on the hands and feet and scrotum ; skin of face thickened. 11th do. 11 do. ... Getting worse. 4 Gangina Do. Do. ... Hindu Fernale 80 do... Do. ... 12 do. Do. anęsthetic White patches on the hands; no sensation in these parts. 30th do. 10 do. ... Same as before. 5 Basantha Shajahanpur Do. ... Do. Male... 50 do... Do. 8 do. Do. tubercular Ulcers on the soles of the feet ; patches of red eruptions all over the body. 30th May 1875. 9 do. ... Do. do. 6 Ghupia Ametia ... Farmer. Do. Do. ... 35 do... Do. ... 10 do. Do. anęsthetic Toes and fingers contracted, and some dropped off ; no sensation. 12th July 1875. 8 do. ... Do. do. 7 Ramdeen Amaneegunge Do. ... Do. Do. ... 50 do... Do. ... 5 1/2 do. Do. do. ... Toes dropped off; ulcers on the hands and feet. 26th Sept. 1875. 6 do. ... Do. do. J. C. WHISHAW, Civil Surgeon, Lucknow. Lucknow The 28th March 1876. (21)