24 a tap on full bore to clean their clothes, their bodies, or even their legs and faces, but they habitually avoid the trouble of turning off the taps after they have finished their ablutions." The system of putting up meters has been repeatedly urged on the Corporation, without success, and accordingly in the plague period the only remedy was to cut off the supply. In pursuance of this policy, in December, the water was cut off from all houses in Kámátipura, standpipes being erected in the street for the use of the people. 14. In the course of a communication on the subject of plague in the period to which the present chapter relates the Commissioner of Police, Mr. R. H. Vincent, C.I.E., writes as follows: "I had during these days, I speak of the early part of January, several communications from the Municipal Commissioner and the Health Officer asking me to use my best endeavours to keep the menial servants of the Health Department together, and while my chief subordinates were constantly engaged to effect this. I had the headmen of these people up before me on more than one occasion and we fortunately succeeded in pre- venting strikes among the municipal employés, &c. Again, the butchers in the municipal slaughter-houses in Bándra and the meat-van drivers began to show signs of unrest, while domestic servants of Europeans and of natives of position fled in ever-increasing numbers, leaving numerous households without cooks, hamals and ayahs Office peons likewise left their employment often without asking for their wages, and lastly the mill- hands left in thousands, compelling the owners either to close their mills or to keep them going with a very small number of men. It can easily be imagined how difficult was the task under these circumstances to keep the police and the employés of the Municipality in hand, and this was certainly not the work of an hour or a day. For weeks and well into February there was not a day on which I could with certainty reckon that the following one would not leave the city practically without a halalkhor service." SECTION 3. New Measures for Railway Inspection in the Presidency proper. In the month of January it became clear that the existing staff of Medical Inspectors employed at the stations in the Island of Bombay was incapable of effectually dealing with the increased number of departures. Plague had by this time spread all over the island, and as there were twenty railway stations at which passengers could enter the trains, the expedient of inspecting them at a few stations only was clearly useless. 2. The matter was carefully considered by Government in consultation with the Surgeon-General with the Government of Bombay and the Consulting Engineer for Railways. There were two alternatives. One was to remove all passengers from the trains at one or two large stations outside the Island of Bombay and employ a large staff to examine them on the platforms. The other was to block the causeways leading from Bombay Island to Sálsette, and to employ a small staff at each of the railway stations in Bombay to examine passengers as they came into the stations. The former plan, assuming that Kalyán was selected as an inspecting station on the G. I. P. Railway, involved an absence of interference with persons suffering from the plague when travelling by railway within 30 miles of Bombay and also involved a long detention of trains, and the turning out of passengers at night, at which time five of the ten through down trains passed Kalyán Junction. On the other hand the plan of blocking the causeways and examining all passengers before they entered any of the stations in Bombay involved the employment of an additional staff of some 40 medical subordinates. The Surgeon-General with the Government of Bombay having pointed out certain ways of obtaining the requisite staff, Govern- ment resolved on giving a trial to the latter plan. Pending the arrival of the necessary staff the best arrangements possible were to be made with the existing staff: and, at the Municipal Commissioner's request and on the advice of the Surgeon-General with the Government of Bombay, the management of the inspection was removed from the control of the Municipality and placed in charge of Surgeon-Major A. W. Street, D.S.O. The difficulties in the away of promptly obtaining the requisite staff, however, being found insurmountable, a scheme for leaving local traffic unchecked, and preventing passengers for