34 to Jedda, and passengers were shipped ostensibly to Bussorah, whom enquiry showed to be pilgrims bound for Mecca viâ that port; and as ships sailing for the Persian Gulf are not pilgrim ships within the meaning of Section 5 of the Pilgrim Ships Act, their embarkation could not in the then existing state of the law be prevented, and all endeavours to dissuade them from proceeding on their journey proved fruitless. 2. On the 7th February, however, the project of despatching the pilgrims in Bombay to Madras or Calcutta, so that they might take ship thence to the Hedjaz, had to undergo considerable modification. Urgent orders were received from the Government of India that endeavours should be made to dissuade them from proceeding to either Madras or Calcutta, and that if they persisted, they should be isolated for ten days at Násik or some other suitable place in the Bombay Presidency. This Government were requested to make the necessary arrangements without delay, and meanwhile not to allow any pilgrims who had not abandoned the idea of pilgrimage to leave Bombay. The Collector of Násik was at once instructed to select a suitable site for the proposed isolation camp some- where near Násik. The site proposed by him was at Chehedi, one and a half miles south-east of the Násik Road Railway Station, and about 500 yards from the village site. It lay in perfectly open country and being on the bank of the river Dharna, there was a good water-supply near at hand. The proposal was approved, and the Collector asked to push on preparations and have the camp ready by the 21st February for the isolation of the pilgrims whom it was proposed to send on to Calcutta after ten days' detention at Násik. On the 10th February 1897, the Commissioner of Police, Bombay, reported that about 294 pilgrims had proceeded up-country ostensibly to their homes, leaving about 600, the majority of whom would probably persist in their intention of going to the Hedjaz. Pilgrims were also still coming into Bombay, and on the 11th February Government issued a Notification under the Epidemic Diseases Act (it had just become law), prohibiting pilgrims from proceeding in the direction of Bombay beyond the railway stations of Ahmedabad, Bhusával, Londa and Hotgi. 3. The arrangements for the disposal of the pilgrims in Bombay entered upon a further important stage of development on the 17th February, when the following Notification was issued by the Government of India under the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897: "In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 2, sub-section 1, of the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897, the Governor General in Council is pleased to direct that no person resident, permanently or temporarily, in the Bombay Presidency or Sind, and no person who, though not resident in the Bombay Presidency or Sind, has entered the Bombay Presidency or Sind with the object of proceeding on a pilgrimage to the Hedjaz, shall until further orders be permitted to embark on any ship at any port in British India with the object of making a pilgrimage to the Hedjaz. The Governor General in Council is further pleased to direct that all persons who have entered the Bombay Presidency or Sind with the object of proceeding to the Hedjaz shall be placed in a camp of observation until such time as the Medical officer in charge shall satisfy himself that all risk of the occurrence of plague among them has been completely abated. They shall then be sent to their homes and the railway expenses of their journey shall be met by the State." This Government were at the same time asked by urgent telegram to arrange to have all the pilgrims then in Bombay conveyed at once to the camp at Nasik and there put under observation and not allowed to leave for ten days after arrival, or if plague occurred among them, till they had been free from it for ten days. Directions were also given that the pilgrims should be separated into batches according to their provinces of origin, and each batch taken under charge of a responsible official of the Bombay Government and by him handed over to an official to be named and at a place to be fixed by the Local Govern- ments from whose territories the men composing the batch came. This last arrangement was, however, subsequently modified at the request of this Govern- ment, and the various Local Governments concerned were asked to send police escorts to accompany the pilgrims from the camp at Násik. 4. In compliance with the wishes of the Government of India, the pre- parations for despatching the pilgrims from Bombay and detaining them at the camp were pushed on with a rapidity highly creditable to all concerned. Arrangements had to be made with the Railway authorities for a special train to convey the pilgrims to Násik and with the Military authorities for an escort of 100 British soldiers to guard them. Upon the Commissioner of Police, Bombay, devolved the difficult duty of keeping a watch on all