?( 4 ) BENGAL PROVINCE, 1862. There are no statistics to show the monthly prevalence of cholera among the civil populaiton in 1862. The army and jail returns indicate some of the places in which the disease was prevalent in this year. Among the European troops-total average strength 4,803-there were altogether 38 admissions and 27 deaths from cholera, giving a death-rate of 5.62 per mille of strength. Of the 9 stations occupied by the European troops, the 6 following recorded cholera in 1862 :- Presidency Hospital and Chinsurah Depτt ... Strength 403 Admissions 15 Deaths 12 Fort William ” 880 ” 16 ” 13 Berhampore ... ” 296 ” 1 ” 1 Hazaribagh ... ” 1,101 ” 2 ” 1 Dinapore ” 655 ” 4 ” 0 The strength of the affected troops is 2,932, the percentage of admissions to strength 1.30, and of deaths to admissions 71. Of the 38 admissions there were 2 in January, 1 in February, 5 in March, 9 in April, 5 in May, 5 in July, 6 in November, and 5 in December. Among the native troops, total average strength 4,603, there were altogether 41 admissions and 14 deaths from cholera, giving a death-rate of 3.04 per mille of strength. Of the 8 stations occupied by native troops, the five following recorded cholera in 1862 :- Calcutta Strength 700 Admissions 21 Deaths 10 Alipore Barrackpore ” 1,352 ” 7 ” 1 Berhampore... ” 303 ” 3 ” 1 Dinapore ... ” 418 ” 9 ” 2 Sigauli ... ” 377 ” 1 ” 0 The strength of the affected troops is 3,150, the percentage of admissions to strength 1 30, and of deaths to admissions 34. Of the 41 admissions there were 2 in January, 4 in February, 5 in March, 5 in April, 1 in May, 8 in June, 2 in September, 3 in October, 8 in November, and 3 in December. Among the jail populations-total average strength 15,354-there were altogether 367 admissions and 101 deaths from cholera, giving a death-rate of 6.58 per mille of strength. Of the 45 jails in the province, the 27 following recorded cholera in 1862 :- Alipore Strength 1,823 Admissions 56 Deaths 13 Murshedabad ” 187 ” 1 ” 1 Hugli ” 688 ” 126 ” 19 Bardwan ” 567 ” 14 ” 5 Bankura ” 367 ” 2 ” 0 Purulea ” 200 ” 1 ” 0 Deogarh ” 261 ” 3 ” 1 Rajmahal ” 75 ” 14 ” 9 Maldah ” 182 ” 1 ” 1 Rajshahi ” 444 ” 26 ” 5 Rangpur ” 459 ” 2 ” 0 Mymansing ” 403 ” 1 ” 0 Pubna ” 142 ” 1 ” 1 Faridpur ” 433 ” 10 ” 3 Bakirganj ” 447 ” 13 ” 8 Chittagong ” 385 ” 2 ” 0 Dacca ” 441 ” 10 ” 2 Balasore ” 123 ” 2 ” 2 Cuttack ” 292 ” 3 ” 1 Puri ” 19 ” 1 ” 1 Monghyr ” 269 ” 27 ” 14 Bhagalpur ” 334 ” 28 ” 11 Purniah ” 454 ” 1 ” 0 Gya ” 421 ” 2 ” 1 Patna ” 398 ” 10 ” 3 Digah ” 149 ” 3 ” 0 Chupra ” 324 ” 7 ” 0 The strength of the affected jails is 10,292, the percentage of admissions to strength 3.56, and of deaths to admissions 27. Of the 367 admissions there