(36) or to fix and determine the causes which affect or influence the inter-depend- ence of cholera and rainfall. In Bengal, contrary to the experince of the other provinces of Northern India, it has been commonly observed that rainfall checks the activity of cholera. This is a point of very great importance, and requires very careful consideration in order to understand why the season of rainfall in Bengal should check cholera activity whilst it favours it in the North-Western Provinces, the Central Provinces, and Panjab, and even in certain portions of the Bengal Province itself. It is a subject we shall have to dwell upon in another part of this work, and we may therefore pass on to the historical, portion of our record without further comment in this place upon the very different effects of rainfall upon cholera prevalence, or the causes which produce that difference, beyond pointing to the very different physical conditions of the several regions alluded to, and the results of rainfall as affecting their several soils, and the people dwelling upon them.