(43) Gya.-No part of this district escaped cholera in 1869, but the western portion suffered most severely. The first case occurred on the 8th January in a village on the opposite side of the river Falgun close by the town of Gya. In the town of Gya, population 70,000, there were 213 deaths from cholera during the year. It prevailed more severely in the town of Sahibganj than in the old town of Gya, although the first is wonderfully clean whilst the old town is notoriously filthy. No Europeans or Eurasians in the civil station were attacked. The strength of the police in the station was 375, in the district 1,031; only two deaths occurred from cholera, and these were both away from the lines. The following is the return of deaths reported during the year, but the Civil Surgeon believes these figures much exaggerate the prevalence of the disease:- Months. Deaths. Months. Deaths. January 33 August 1,301 February 16 September 264 March 56 October . 40 April .. 159 November 40 May 318 Total 4,177 June 805 July 1,145 Patna.-Cholera appeared in every part of the district, but was not very fatal. The first case appeared in Patna itself on 25th January 1869. The first case in the civil station of Bankipur occurred on 12th October, 4 deaths occurred from cholera, all Europeans in the convent. Among the police at Bankipur-1,700 strong-there were 26 attacks with 6 deaths. The Mitapur Jail was affected, there were 16 attacks with 5 deaths; the first case occurred on the 27th March and the last on the 17th April. The Inspector-General of Jails writes:-There can be no doubt that the cholera in this instance began in the jail and was not imported from without. The following are the deaths from cholera reported during the year in this district:- Months. Deaths. Months. Deaths. January 176 July 293 February 131 August 443 March 168 September ... April 100 Total 1,710 May 228 June ... 176 Shahabad.-Cholera was rife throughout the district, from April till September; scarcely a village escaped. It prevailed most severely at Sasseram, where the disease broke out on the 16th April, 8 persons having died on the previous night, 30 deaths occurred on the 17th. The Commissioner of Patna reports that during these two days the wind was easterly. On the 18th it was from the westward; cholera at once disappeared. On the 20th the wind was again easterly; cholera re-appeared, and five persons died. In the native city of Arrah-population about 20,000-the first case occurred on the 19th April, the last on the 13th September, during that time 263 deaths occurred from cholera. No cases occurred in the civil station. Of 847 police, not one was attacked. The following is the return of deaths from cholera in this district during the year. Months. Deaths. Months. Deaths. January 5 July 899 February 2 August 592 March 1 September 26 April 138 Total 3,468 May 976 June .. 829 It is belived these figures considerably under-rate the prevalence of the disease. G 2