?(52) 2 95 per mille of strength. Of the 6 stations occupied by European troops, the 4 following recorded cholera in 1870:- Fort William Strength 875 Admissions 2 Deaths 2 Dum-Dum “ 611 “ 1 “ 0 Hazaribagh “ 842 “ 21 “ 6 Dinapur “ 849 “ 4 “ 3 The strength of the affected troops is 3,177, the percentage of admissions to strength is 0·88, and of deaths to admissions 39. Of the 28 admissions there were 1 in March, 1 in April, 19 in July, 2 in August, .4 in October, and 1 in November. Among the families of the European soldiers there were the following admissions from cholera in 1870 :- Women-total average strength 398-admissions 9 and deaths 4 in the 3 following stations out of 6 occupied by the women, viz :- Fort William Strength 107 Admissions 2 Deaths 0 Hazaribagh “ 80 “ 4 “ 2 Dinapur “ 95 “ 3 “ 2 The strength of the affected women is 282, the percentage of admissions to strength is 3·19, and of deaths to admissions 44. Children-total average strength 680-admissions 7 and deaths 7 in the 2 following stations out of 6 occupied by the children, viz :- Hazaribagh Strength 121 Admissions 5 Deaths 5 Dinapur “ 173 “ 2 “ 2 The strength of the affected children is 294, the percentage of admissions to strength is 2·38, and of deaths to admissions 100. Of the 16 admissions of women and children, there were 1 in March, 1 in April, 2 in May, 3 in June, 8 in July, and 1 in August. Among the native troops-total average strength 5,206-there were alto- gether 25 admissions and 17 deaths from cholera, giving a death-rate of 3·26 per mille of strength. Of the 11 stations occupied by native troops, the 6 following recorded cholera in 1870:- Port William Strength 638 Admissions 6 Deaths 4 Alipur “ 960 “ 8 “ 3 Dum-Dum “ 475 “ 2 “ 1 Barrackpur “ 675 “ 3 “ 3 Berhampur “ 122 “ 1 “ 1 Dacca “ 309 “ 5 “ 5 The strength of the affected troops is 3,179, the percentage of admissions to strength is 0·79, and of deaths to admissions 68. Of the 25 admissions there were 3 in January, 3 in February, 5 in March, 8 in April, 3 in May, and 3 in June. Among the jail populations-total average strength 16,751-there were altogether 432 admissions and 170 deaths from cholera, giving a death-rate of 10·15 per mille of strength. Of the 48 jails in the province, 35 recorded cholera in 1870. The strength of the 35 affected jails altogether is 13,893, the percentage of admissions to strength 3·11, and of deaths to admissions 39. Of the 432 admissions there were 10 in January, 16 in February, 41 in March, 36 in April, 17 in May, 19 in June, 184 in July, 49 in August, 46 in September, 5 in October, 7 in November, and 2 in December. Taking all the figures together, the monthly prevalence of the disease is shown in the accompanying diagram. The districts affected with cholera in 1870 are shown on the map for that year. Compared with the returns for the preceding year, the incidence of the cholera of 1870 among the troops and jail populations in this province is, as was to be expected from the indications of the three-year cycle statistics given in the review of 1868, considerably less than in the preceding year 1869, which was the epidemic year of the next triennial period following that ending with 1868. In the year 1869 the total of admissions from cholera among the troops and jail populations in this province is 546, in 1870 the total is 485, or including the admissions among the families of the European soldiers, for the first time tabulated in this year, the total of cholera admission is 501, still considerably below the figure of the epidemic year 1869. Meteorology.-In the Howrah district the rainfall of 1870 was much below the average, but the total amount measured, 54·43 inches, was so equally