?( 131 ) inadequately covered pest-holes. The accumulated ordure of years within a few feet of dwelling-houses must necessarily keep the dwellers obnoxious to causes of ill health. * * * This was not an exceptional state of things in the epidemic of 1877. This state of things has, I believe, (says the Civil Surgeon) continued ever since the city became an object of religious pilgrimage." The districts of Chota Nagpur enjoyed practical immunity from cholera in 1877, only about one village in 200 being affected. What cholera existed was sporadic in character, and during several months there was no sign of the prevalence of the disease, not a single circle suffered much, and 48 were quite free from cholera throughout the year. The incidence of the cholera of 1877 among the troops and jail populations in this province is shown in the subjoined abstract statements. Among the European troops, total average strength 2,797, there were 3 admissions and 2 deaths from cholera, giving a death-rate of 0'71 per mille of strength. Of the 5 stations occupied by the European troops, the 2 following recorded cholera in 1877 :- Fort William. Strength 855 Admissions 2 Deaths 1 Dum-Dum “ 614 “ 1 “ 1 The strength of the affected troops is 1,469, the percentage of admissions to strength 0·20, and of deaths to admissions 67. Of the 3 admissions there were 1 in January, 1 in October, and 1 in December. Among the families of the European troops total average strength, women 246, and children 481, there was no cholera in 1877. Among the native troops total average strength 5,592, there were altogether 9 admissions and 6 deaths from cholera, giving a death-rate of 1·07 per mille of strength. Of the 12 stations occupied by the native troops the four following recorded cholera in 1877 :- Fort William Strength 634 Admissions 2 Deaths 1 Alipore “ 1,016 “ 2 “ 1 Barrackpore “ 992 “ 4 “ 4 Dinapore “ 533 “ 1 “ 0 The strength of the affected troops is 3,175, the percentage of admissions to strength 0·28, and of deaths to admissions 67. Of the 9 admissions, there were 1 in January, 1 in March, 1 in April, 1 in June, 1 in July, 3 in September, and 1 in December. Among the jail population, total average strength 18,353, there were altogether 331 admissions and 148 deaths from cholera, giving a death rate of 8·06 per mille of strength. Of the 47 jails in the province, the 28 following recorded cholera in 1877 :- Presidency Strength 978 Admissions 5 Deaths 2 Alipore “ 2,314 “ 5 “ 2 Kishnagarh “ 329 “ 1 “ 0 Murshidabad “ 393 “ 15 “ 5 Hugli “ 325 “ 20 “ 6 Burdwan “ 268 “ 18 “ 3 Maldah “ 87 “ 1 “ 1 Dinajpur “ 466 “ 40 “ 13 Rajshahi “ 769 “ 17 “ 12 Mymensingh “ 386 “ 2 “ 3 Bakirganj “ 316 “ 30 “ 13 Chittagong “ 218 “ 3 “ 3 Dacca “ 602 “ 12 “ 5 Midnapur “ 873 “ 1 “ 1 2 Bhagalpur, C& D. “ 1,129 “ 56 “ 26 Ranchi “ 200 “ 1 “ 0 Gya “ 391 “ 6 “ 3 Patna “ 441 “ 17 “ 10 Arrah , “ 381 “ 1 “ 1 Buxar “ 707 “ 1 “ 1 S2