?(133) air pressure. The variation of the temperature of January from the mean temperature was inconsiderable. The temperature was at the majority of the stations in defect, more especially at Sagar Island and False Point, where it was upwards of 1° below the average. The month of February was characterized by abnormally low temperature. The means for the month were only very slightly in excess of those for January. The defect varied from 3ˇ2° at Chitta- gong to 5ˇ3° at Berhampur. Bihar was at this time the area of lowest tem- perature in the province. The lowest temperatures of the month were recorded between the 10th and 17th. There are reasons for believing that the middle of February, which marks the termination of the cold-weather and the com- mencement of the dry hot-weather, is accompanied by considerable atmospheric disturbance and by rapid and large variations in the elements of meteorological observations. The absolute range of temperature during the month of Febru- ary was also excessive. It was greatest at Akyab, where it amounted to 41.3° and exceeded 40° at the two observing stations at Patna and Bardwan. The mean temperature continued to be below the average during the next three months. Bihar was during the whole period the area of the greatest defect of temperature. The mean temperature of Bihar during the month of March was 25° below the average, 4ˇ5° during the month of April and 2ˇ5° in May, During the first and second week of May the area of maximum day temper- ature had advanced from the Deccan to Bihar and the most eastern portion of the North-Western Provinces. It was during this period of maximum temperature in Bihar that the cyclone which visited Madras and its neighbour- hood on 18th to 23rd May was generated. The mean temperature of the province during the months of June, July, and August, varied very slightly from the average of previous years. The variation was greatest in Bihar, this district now forming an area of relatively high temperature. The abnormal features and distribution of the rains during this period account for the increased temperature in Bihar. The excess averaged 2 degrees for this period in Bihar. The temperature was in excess during the remainder of of the year at the majority of stations. Bihar continued during the whole of this period to be the region of highest temperature and of greatest variation of temperature from the mean. The excess in September and November in Bihar was 3ˇ5 degrees for each month and in the two remaining months it was 1ˇ5 degrees. The returns of Ságur Island and Calcutta show that the temperature at the north-west angle of the Bay was also excessive during the latter months of the year, so that it formed a second and smaller area of high temperature. Winds.-The mean wind directions during the year were very nearly normal. The northerly element of the dry-weather winds was more strongly marked than usual. The most important feature in the wind velocity of the year was the diminished velocity of lower air currents.* * * The diminished velocity was most strongly marked in April and May, and towards the end of the year. The tendency towards an approximate state of equilibrium of atmospheric condition around and near the coast of the Bay of Bengal, which often, if not always, precedes the formation of a cyclone, was very strongly marked before the Madras May cyclone. * * * The returns of wind velocity during the rainy season show that the lower air currents were less vigorous than usual in Bihar and Central Bengal.* * * The termination of the rains was followed by a more quiescent condition of the atmosphere than usual. Storms.-The sub-division of Tumlook was visited by two thunder- storms of a very severe character during the first week of February. A perfect hurricane, resembling a small cyclone, visited False Point and its neighbourhood on the 8th April. The Madras cyclone of 18th May, as has been already stated, extended to Bihar and Bengal on the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd, and was accompanied with stormy weather and heavy rainfall over the greater part of the province; the termination of the south-west monsoon was exceptionally free from stormy weather. Rainfall-The rainfall during the dry-weather months, January to May, was slightly in excess. Bihar and Orissa were the two districts in which the excess was relatively greatest. The rainfall in Bengal during January was very slightly above the average; February, was over the whole province