( 161 ) villages showing very large proportions of population attacked and deaths to cases:- Villages. Population. Cases. Deaths. Bhakra 100 56 33 Basodi 300 92 61 Pokhardiha 150 32 25 Chandi 70 18 13 In the annual statement the total deaths appearing for the months of March to June inclusive is only 173, or 91 less than the number above mentioned, and only 41 more than the total mortality in the above four villages, thus disclosing a very great defect in registration. In the last week of May 3·7 inches of rain fell, and in the first week of June 5 inches. This corresponds with the time, as before stated, of the subsidence and final disappearance of the disease. With reference to the prevalence of cholera generally in this district, the Civil Surgeon says that " he has often observed that in those years in which there is a deficient rainfall in the early part of the rains the disease spreads to the highlands of the district, but that when the rains are plentiful this extension is prevented, and that, dividing the districts into two parts, high and low lands, the former being about 1,800 to 2,000 feet, and the latter about 600 feet above the level of the sea, the periods of cholera prevalence in them differ. In the high lands cholera does not spread until the rains have well set in, while the contrary is the case in the low lands, as here cholera generally occurs in March, April, May, and the beginning of June, as at the Garwan outbreak, and that the extension of the disease from the lower to the higher levels depends very much on the quantity of rain which falls in the end of the hot weather and the earlier part of the rains. If it is copious, the extension appears to be prevented." The incidence of the cholera of 1880 among the troops and jail population in this province is shown in the subjoined abstract statements. Among the European troops-total average strength 2,625-there were altogether 2 admissions and 1 death from cholera, giving a death-rate of 0·38 per mille of strength. Of the 5 stations occupied by the European troops, the 1 following recorded cholera in 1880:-viz.,Dinapore-strength 906 in May-giving a percentage of admissions to strength of 0·22, and of deaths to admissions 50. Among the families of the European soldiers-total average strength, women 142, children 281-there was no cholera recorded in 1880. Among the native troops-total average strength 3,445-there were altogether 4 admissions and 3 deaths from cholera, giving a death-rate of 0·87 per mille of strength. Of the 9 stations occupied by the native troops, the 3 following recorded cholera in 1880:- Barrackpore Strength 1,202 Admissions 1 Deaths 0 Dinapore " 583 " 1 " 1 Sigaoli " 323 " 2 " 2 The strength of the affected troops is 2,108, the percentage of admissions to strength 0·20, and of deaths to admissions 75. Of the 4 admissions, there were 3 in April and 1 in May. Among the jail populations-total average strength 17,687-there were altogether 53 admissions and 29 deaths from cholera, giving a death-rate of 1·64 per mille of strength. Of the 47 jails in the province, the 17 following recorded cholera in 1880 :- Presidency Strength 1,189 Admissions 3 Deaths 2 Alipore ? 1,996 ? 2 ? 0 Jessore ? 346 ? 5 ? 4 Murshidabad ? 277 ? 7 ? 5 Hugli ? 523 ? 2 ? 1 Bardwan ? 159 ? 1 ? 1 Rajshahi ? 176 ? 1 ? 0 Dacca ? 631 ? 3 ? 1 Tipperah ? 191 ? 11 ? 6 Bakirganj ? 427 ? 2 ? 0 Y