vii CHAPTER VI. Page. Table showing the monthly deaths from cholera in the districts of the Madras Presi- dency during 1870 .........134 Table showing total deaths and monthly mortality from cholera among the Euro- pean Troops stationed in the Madras Presi- dency during 1870 ... ... ... 136 Table showing the total deaths and mortality from cholera among the Native Troops... 138 Table showing the total deaths from cholera among the Jail population ... ... 140 CHAPTER IX. Page. Table showing admissions and deaths from cholera in the Old Salem Jail from 1828 to 1838 ...............154 Table showing admissions and deaths from cholera in the Old Salem Jail from 1855 to 1860 ... ... ......... ib. Table showing admissions and deaths from cholera in the New Salem Jail from 1861 to 1870 ...............155 Return showing admissions and deaths from cholera among in and out-patients in the Civil Dispensary, Salem, from 1845 to 1870 157 Table showing deaths from cholera among the families of the Warrant and Non-Com- missioned Officers of the Ordnance De- partment from 1868 to 1870 ......158 APPENDICES. APPENDIX I. CHOLERA INQUIRY SPECIAL REPORTS. (Section V. of the Code of Instruction of the Army Sanitary Commission.) Page. Palaveram ... ... ... ... ... i Madura ... ... ... ... ... viii Salem... ... ......... ... xiv APPENDIX II. Memorandum on the alleged immunity from cholera of Workers in Gunpowder Fac- Page. toriesby W. R. Cornish, F.R.C.S., Sanitary Commissioner for Madras... ... ... xxv APPENDIX III. Table showing the distribution of cholera from 1859 to 1865... ... ... ... xxix APPENDIX IV. Statement showing the monthly prevalence of cholera in the Madras Presidency during the year 1870... ... ... ... 1