?30 THE CHOLERA OF 1868. A year of minimum Cholera. 43. The great immunity of Southern India from cholera during 1868, has frequently been adverted to. To complete the series of tables of cholera mortality, and to illustrate how completely an epidemic invasion may die out in this part of India, I append the monthly deaths in each district for 1868. Table showing Cholera Deaths in 1868. - Population. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. Total. Ganjam 12,27,757 12 8 32 13 30 12 40 15 25 6 5 9 207 Vizagapatam 15,03,164 2 8 8 8 17 12 53 9 1 ... ... 3 121 Godavery ... 14,23,436 3 6 … … … … … … … … … … 9 Kistna 11,27,075 ... 3 6 … 6 ... 2 ... … 2 2 ... 21 Nellore 11,61,442 … … … … 6 … … … … … … … 6 Cuddapah ... 10,92,266 ... ... ... … 1 4 1 1 … 1 … 6 14 Bellary 10,96,235 … … … … … … … … … … … … … Kurnool 7,70,728 … … … … … … … … … … … … … Madras 6,56,945 6 6 1 ... 5 3 ... ... ... 3 ... ... 24 Madras town. 4,50,000 7 2 2 … … … … …. … … 2 …. 13 North Arcot. 17,33,238 144 106 45 4 3 5 7 ... ... 3 2 3 322 South Arcot. 9,66,579 151 92 35 114 113 10 7 4 17 2 3 2 550 Tanjore 17,19,479 1,399 675 121 58 50 47 52 42 14 7 19 24 2,508 Trichinopoly. 9,98,395 1,363 562 144 59 19 4 3 9 7 7 9 15 2,201 Madura 19,44,010 69 53 71 28 9 16 3 16 4 11 6 7 293 Tinnevelly 15,24,121 9 8 3 18 12 6 7 6 7 6 4 8 94 Coimbatore 14,14,252 5 125 99 118 7 4 2 2 5 1 ... ... 368 Salem 15,25,945 404 74 497 59 3 4 12 1 1 7 4 5 1,071 South Canara 8,31,927 19 19 7 4 7 9 8 15 4 9 4 9 114 Malabar 18,50,329 24 13 13 19 12 4 4 7 1 1 … 2 100 Mild type of cholera in 1868. The cholera, which spread apparently from Trichinopoly and Tanjore, to Salem and Coimbatore, in January and February, had become so mild in type, that, at Salem, the mortality to attacks was not more than ten per cent. In the town of Madras only thirteen deaths were registered during the whole year from cholera-a proof, if any were needed, of the extraordinary healthiness of the year, and of the complete extinction of the cholera contagium, brought in by the last epidemic invasion in 1864-65. In no former year of the fifteen, in which a register of deaths has been kept, had cholera so completely died out in the Presidency town, as it had in the year 1868. 44. And precisely at the period when cholera had ceased to exist as an epidemic in Southern India, a new emanation of cholera passed out of the endemic area in lower Bengal, and began to spread itself, in its accustomed manner, over the Central Provinces, the Bombay Presidency, and Hyderabad. CHAPTER III. THE CHOLERA INVASION OF 1869, AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE CHOLERA of 1870. Feeble vitality of the cholera of former invasion in 1868. 45. Before I describe the progress of cholera in Southern India during the year 1870, I shall take a retrospective glance at the epidemic history of the former year, to make plain to the reader the actual facts in regard to the cholera of 1870. In my report for 1869, I have shown that, throughout the year 1868, cholera was at its minimum in almost every part of Southern India. In a few of the revenue districts the remnant of the cholera invasion of 1864-65 had preserved a flickering vitality,