130 Cholera Hospital at Bangalore. station. Medical subordinates were placed at the disposal of the Municipality, under the order of the Garrison Surgeon, for house-to-house visitation in the bazaars, and the disinfection of houses was carried out through a special sanitary agency entertained by the Municipality. All suggestions were immediately acted upon and vigorously carried out." CHOLERA AT THAYETMYO, BRITISH BURMAH. 166. It does not fall within my province to give an account of the distribution of cholera in British Burmah. The Sanitary Commissioner of that locality will doubtless detail the facts in his annual report. I have only here to note that there was a reproduction of cholera in April 1870 at Thayetmyo, and that a lamentable mortality occurred from it in Her Majesty's 76th Regiment and Royal Artillery. The particulars, in regard to the epidemic invasion of the Irrawaddy valley in 1869, are admirably described by Dr. Thompson, Her Majesty's 76th Regiment, in the Appendix to my cholera report for that year. Outbreak at Tha- yetmyo on 3rd April amongst camp-follow- ers. 167. The outbreak of 1870 began, so far as the European Troops were con- cerned, on the 7th April, but two cases occurred amongst the native followers of the Regiment (one in the "cooly lines," where the first case of the 1869 invasion occurred,) and the other in the "Sudder Bazaar" on the night of the 3rd April. European Troops attacked on the 7th. On the morning of the 7th of April, cases of cholera occurred in the barracks and hospital of the 76th Regiment and in a Royal Artillery barrack; in the former among the Band and Drum- mers, and B., G., and L. Companies. On this first day of outbreak seven cases came under observation. Removal to camp of affected troops. Patients in hospital attacked. 168. The first step taken on the occurrence of cholera was to march out the affected companies to camp. On the 8th April, the Band and Drummers were moved to the Brigade parade-ground, and on subsequent dates, 9th, 10th, and 11th April, respectively, the B., G., and L. Companies were also marched out to the site chosen for a cholera encampment. On the 13th the Band and Drummers were shifted from their camp on the parade- ground to this site. A distinct hospital establishment was provided for each company. On the 8th of April a second patient in hospital, in Thayetmyo, was attacked by cholera, and shortly afterwards the wife of the Hospital Sergeant who resided in the building. During the night of the 8th April, the wife of a Corporal, residing in No. 10 Family Barracks was attacked, also two privates in the G. and L. Companies, respectively. On the morning of the 9th, another man of the L. Company was seized, and in the afternoon one of the G. Company. No fresh case occurred until the afternoon of the 12th, when a man of the E. Company was attacked. Appearance of cho- lera in the camp on the 13th April. 169. On the afternoon of the 13th April, the first case occurred in the men moved out to the cholera camp, and from that date up to the 19th no less than fourteen new attacks took place, of which number twelve died. These cases occurred principally in the L. Company. On the 15th April seven men of this particular company were attacked, and only one survived. On the appearance of the first case in the cholera camp near the cantonment