Distribution of Leprosy. 105 Table XVIII-continued. Density of Population and Leprosy, [Census 1881.] DISTRICT. No. of persons per square mile. Lepers per 10,000 of population. REMARKS. BENGAL- continued. 24-Pergunnahs 771.78 5.1 Suburbs 10, 932.13 6.0 Calcutta 54,152.37 5.4 Nuddea 592.79 9.4 Jessore 692.99 4.0 Khoolna 519.96 2.7 Moorshedabad 572.20 12.7 TOTAL FOR PRESIDENCY DIVISION. 682.09 6.8 Dinagepore 367.74 7.4 Rajshahye 566.98 4.6 Rungpore 601.83 14.9 Bogra 490.23 6.7 Pubna 710.19. 6.4 Darjeeling 125.75 11.8 Jalpaiguri 201.65 12.9 TOTAL FOR RAJSHAHYE DIVISION. 443.76 9.2 Dacca 756.65 5.6 Furreedpore 719.78 4.0 Backergunge 520.93 2.5 Mymensingh 485.44 8.4 TOTAL FOR DACCA DIVISION. 580.06 5.6