112 REPORT OF THE LEPROSY COMMISSION: On the other hand, the admissions on account of leprosy from the Native Army during the period of ten years, from 1879-1888 amounted to two hundred and twenty-nine, as will be seen from the subjoined table:- NATIVE ARMY. Admissions for Leprosy. YEAR. No. admitted. REMARKS. 1879 34 1880 35 1 death. 1881 25 1882 25 1883 20 1884 18 1885 8 1886 19 2 deaths. 1887 20 1888 25 TOTAL 229 3 deaths. It is impossible from a comparison of the two armies to deduce a racial predisposition, as the conditions under which the British soldier lives are entirely different from those of the native. The former is exceedingly well looked after and cared for, and resides for a limited number of years only in the coun- try, while the native passes perhaps a lifetime in an endemic