Distribution of Leprosy. 129 This whole question deserves fuller consideration. Since vaccination is said to diffuse leprosy in India, the first point to be enquired into is the method employed. Anti-vaccinationists are accustomed to speak of the danger of spreading the disease by means of vaccination, as though the method of protective inoculation were uniform, and as though vaccination were ex- clusively practised from arm to arm with human lymph, or from arm to arm. If leprosy be transmissible in this manner, it can only be by vaccination with human lymph or through the use of un- clean instruments. Now in the city of Bombay calf lymph is exclusively used, at the present time at least. In Madras the Government has also determined to introduce as rapidly as possible a complete system of vaccination involving the use of animal vaccine to the entire exclusion of human lymph, and similar steps are taken in other parts, as in Bengal, Assam, and Burma. There is also no doubt that calf lymph is at pre- sent extensively used all over India. Hence in calculating the chances of spreading purely human diseases by means of vaccination allowance must be made for the fact that a consi- derable number of persons by being vaccinated do not expose themselves to any such risk, for the danger of an infection by means of unclean instruments is infinitesimally small, and can therefore be disregarded. Such an event presupposes that the person undergoing the process of vaccination is a leper, and this in the case of infants and children, to begin with, must be an extremely rare occurrence, and hardly more frequent in the case of adults. Again, it is more than probable that in the event of a confirmed leper offering himself for vaccination, the most neglectful operator would be roused to the most careful performance of his duty. Finally the person vaccinated from, or after, a leper must be in the proper state or predisposition to be infected by leprosy. The simultaneous occurrence of all these concomitant conditions is hardly conceivable. It is impossible to state in figures to what extent animal K