?Distribution of Lepers, etc, 1891. 201 DIVISIONS. District. Total Population on which the Leper-ratios have been calculated. Total number of Lepers. of population. Proportion per 10,000 REMARKS. Rajputana. Meywar 1,709,781 78 .4 Banswara 180,268 2 .1 Meywar Kusalgarh 5,775 2 3.4 Residency Dungarpur 98,448 10 1.0 Partabgarh 61,270 6l 9.9 TOTAL FOR MEYWAR. 2,055,542 153 .7 Jodhpore Jodhpore. 2,519,868 534 2.1 Residency Sirohee . 186,025 47 2.5 Jeysulmere 115,701 13 1.1 TOTAL FOR JODHPORE 2,821,594 594 2.1 Bickaneer Agency. Bickaneer. . 831,955 259 3.1 TOTAL FOR BICKA- NEER. 831,955 259 3.1 Jeypore. . 2,832,276 148 .5 Jeypore Kishengurh 125,516 12 .9 Residency Lawa. . 3,360 3 8.9 TOTAL FOR JEYPORE 2,961,152 163 .5 Bhurtpore 640,303 89 1.3 East State Kerowlee 156,587 20 1.2 Agency. Dholpur . . 279,729 73 2.6 TOTAL FOR EAST STATE . . . 1,076,619 182 1.6