250 REPORT OF THE LEPROSY COMMISSION : TABLE XII. Marriages. ASYLUM OR LOCALITY. No. of sterile marriages. MARRIAGES WITH ISSUES No. of couples the children of which were born before the appearance of the disease in the parent. Total number of marriages. Between two lepers. Between a healthy person and a leper. Agra 8 10 20 38 Aligarh 3 5 8 Bangalore 9 12 22 43 Belgaum 6 1 2 9 Benares 4 4 19 27 Bombay 72 10 100 182 Burdwan 7 2 9 18 Calcutta 30 7 27 64 Calicut 2 12 7 21 Cawnpore 2 3 5 10 Conjeeveram 1 6 6 13 Darjeeling 2 2 Dehra Dun 15 2 8 46 71 Delhi 2 7 9 Dharmsala 2 1 6 9 Fyzabad 5 3 5 13 Gwalior 4 1 4 9 Gya 11 3 27 41 Hyderabad 5 6 2 13 Jubbulpore 1 5 5 11 Jummoo 1 1 2 Kapurthalla 1 1 4 6 Lucknow 6 5 11 Madras 13 1 21 52 87 Madura 18 24 32 74 Mandalay 26 15 38 79 Moulmein 6 5 5 16