?Contagiousness of Leprosy. 283 Table III-continued. To show in how many Cases a Supposed Contagion can be traced from Husband to Wife, or vice versa. NAME OF ASYLUM, ETC. No. of couples of which one individual was affected with leprosy for at least five years. No. of instances in which disease spread from one to the other. REMARKS. Madras 25 1 Madura 41 3(4) (4) In two cases the diagnosis was very doubtful. Mandalay 34 Moulmein 2 Nagpur 26 3(5) (5) In one case husband and wife affected at the same time. Naini and Allahabad 8 Prome 11 Purulia 13 4 Rangoon 9 1 Rawalpindi 1 Sialkot 1 Subathu 4 Tanjore 3 Tarn Taran 17 4(6) (6) In one case wife acquired leprosy three years after husband's death, who had had leprosy for six years. Thayetmyo 7 Trichinopoly 5 Umballa 1 TOTAL 381 25 It will be seen from this table that there were 381 couples of which one member became a leper and continued to live with the other for a certain period. Or, expressing it in other words, 381 healthy persons lived intimately with an equal number of individuals, exposing themselves to all possible risk of contagion, and of this number only 25 subsequently became