?294 REPORT OF THE LEPROSY COMMISSION : Table V-continued. Evidence in Favour of Contagion afforded by Persons Eating and Drinking with Lepers. ASYLUM OR CENTRE. No. of Lepers. No. of persons eating and drinking with them. How many of these are affected. REMARKS. Aligarh 1 1 1 Child used to eat with a leper father, and eight years after his death also became tainted. Benares 4 4 1 Child used to eat with leper mother, and five years after her death became also a leper. Calcutta 19 43 3 In one instance two brothers used to eat together, and within a year both were lepers. In another, a child had eaten with its leper father, and was twelve years old when the latter died. Sixteen years after his death the child became a leper. Delhi 2 5 Gwalior 1 1 Gya 7 7 ... The wives were accustomed to eat with their leper husbands, but it was distinctly stated that they washed the plates after the husbands had used them, and before they employed these for their own meal. Mandalay 24 84 5 In one case a child used to eat from the same vessels as her mother, and thirteen years after the latter's death she also became affected. Prome 13 40 3 In one instance a family of nine used to eat from the same dishes. One of them became a leper and died a year later. They continued after this to eat from the same vessels, and two years later another member of the family was attacked. The others remained healthy.