?Contagiousness of Leprosy. 295 Table V-continued. Evidence in Favour of Contagion afforded by Persons Eating and Drinking with Lepers. ASYLUM OR CENTRE. No. of Lepers. No. of persons eating and and drinking with them. How many of these are affected. REMARKS. Thayetmyo 10 16 5 In one case the disease appeared in two people at the same time, and, therefore, one cannot be said to have infected the other. In another case the diagnosis of leprosy in the supposed infected person was extremely doubtful, and in third instance two persons eating together developed the disease within year of each other. TOTAL 86 212 21 For the construction of this table, only the information obtained from asylums and districts in which the Commissioners paid special attention to this point, has been considered. In all the cases, with the exception of those in Gya, families used to eat at the same time, and out of the same vessels. Since at Gya the wives previously washed the dishes from which their leper husbands had eaten, these seven cases must be excluded in calculating the possible influence of contagion. Hence the figures show that of two hundred and five persons who exposed themselves by eating and drinking with lepers to the danger of infection, only twenty-one became affected. Moreover, in the one instance where two individuals who had constantly eaten together from the same vessels became diseased at the same time, there can be no question of contagion. Again, cases of persons who had not come into contact with lepers for long period cannot be quoted in favour of contagion. Five such instances are to be found in Table V, one from Agra, one from Aligarh, one from Benares, one from Calcutta, and one from Mandalay. The assumption of so long an incubation period as