?304 REPORT OF THE LEPROSY COMMISSION: poorest provinces. Defective hygiene, exposure to hardships and privations, filthy dwellings and want of personal cleanliness cannot be said to predispose to leprosy more than to any other disease of like nature. They necessarily must aggravate and accelerate it, when it is once established; and for this reason, where they exist, require improvement.2 Diet. The next question to be considered is the important one of diet. Since the earliest days in the history of leprosy the greatest influence in the aetiology of the disease has been attributed to defective or bad dietetic conditions. In turn al- most every foodstuff has been accused. In ancient medical history the eating of certain kinds of fish, fresh or decayed, was considered of great importance, and this opinion has per- sisted to the present day. Too much or too little animal or vegetable food has also been held responsible for the origin of the disease, or specific predisposition to the same. This influence of diet was naturally as keenly disputed by others. That food should have a specific effect in the ætiology of a chronic disease is à priori quite within the bounds of pos- sibility. No one who believes in the infective nature of leprosy would of course assume food to be a final exciting cause, for it is implied in the term "infective disease" that this must be a parasitic organism. It must be remembered, however, that when these various food-theories were propounded, the bacillus had not been discovered, and that, therefore, the views of many of the older authors would not be misrepresented, by stating that they claimed for diet only a direct effect in the establishment of a specific predisposition. Certain forms of diet are capable of producing grave morbid conditions, as, e.g., Lathyrus sativus and Ergot; others, on the other hand, cause more general changes in the (2) Cf. R. Liveing: op. cit., pages 76 and 77.