Sanitation, Diet, Disease, etc. 327 syphilis on their bodies. Again, no figures are obtainable show- ing the extent to which syphilis and venereal diseases prevail amongst the general population, though this is known to be very large. Lastly, it may be objected that in those instances where syphilis had been contracted subsequent to the development of leprosy, the ignorance of the informant rendered it difficult to decide with certainty as to which was the prior event. These concessions must naturally detract a great deal from the value of Table III. However, three authentic cases were seen by the Commissioners, where there could not be the slightest doubt that syphilis was contracted subsequent to the disease. These were all seen at the asylum in Madras. Two were young men who had suffered from leprosy for the last four and five years respectively: each of them had a typical roseolar second- ary eruption, the characteristic appearances of the tongue, tonsils, and fauces, and moreover one of them presented the remains of a true Hunterian sore, while the other had lost the fraenum praeputii and showed an unmistakable scar. The third case concerned a low caste Hindu, twenty years of age, who had suffered from tubercular leprosy for the last twelve months and at the time of examination actually had a primary sore on the glans penis. These three instances alone are suffi- cient to destroy the syphilis-hypothesis. TABLE III. Relation of Syphilis to Leprosy. ASYLUM OR LOCALITY. SYPHILIS CASES. REMARKS. Before Leprosy. After Leprosy. TOTAL. Agra . 6 6 Aligarh . 1 1 Almora 71 1 8 (1) Three cases contracted syphilis at about the same time they became lepers.