?102 House number. First observation end of May. Number of persons. Second observation end of August. Number of persons. Third observation end of November. Number of persons. BIRTHS. DEATHS. Entering garden. Leaving garden. Changing into house. Changing out of house. Old coolies. New coolies. Gone to country. First 3 months. Second 3 months. First 3 months. Second 3 months. 52 Man 2 women. Child. Old coolies. 1 woman. New coolie. 5 1 woman gone away (new coolie). 4 Woman from another garden moved in. 5 1 1 4 1 53 2 men Woman. New coolies. 3 Another man and woman from house 38. 5 One woman gone to house 60. One man and one woman gone. 2 2 3 3 54 Man Woman. 2 children. New coolies. 4 House fallen down as result of heavy rain. Occupants gone to house 59. 4 4 55 Man Woman. Child. Old coolies. 3 Statu quo 3 Statu quo 3 3 56 Man Woman. Old coolies. 2 Statu quo 2 Child born 3 1 2 57 Man 2 women. 3 children. Infant. Old coolies. 6 Child aged 4 and infant both dead. Woman gone to another garden. 3 Statu quo 3 2 1 6