?(81) The plan of giving only one dose of 15 grains once a week merits further trial, as it is obvious that the best plan of dosage is that which effects the desired result with the least expenditure of quinine and at the least cost of time and trouble. Good results have been reported from the use of each of the methods, and it is the duty of the officer in charge of the persons who are to be treated prophylactically to choose one of the plans, having regard to local circum stances and to the degree of control which can be exercised during the prepara- tion and administration of the prophylactic doses, and to abide by it. The decision having been made, the next consideration will be the administrative details connected with the proper carrying out of the measure. The dates between which the method will be undertaken will be decided and then the details of the procedure to be followed. Printed forms may be used in which these details can be entered each time the prophylactic doses are given. The forms might contain the following headings:- Name of Jail or Institution. Date of administration of the prophylactic. Number of persons to whom the prophylactic was administered. Drug and dose in grains. Form in which the drug was administered. Name of the person who made up the prescription. What precautions were taken to ensure that it was correctly dispensed ? Name of the person who administered the prophylactic. What precautions were taken to ensure that it was correctly administered to all for whom it was intended ? General remarks. It must always be borne in mind that the results obtained in the preven- tion of malarial fevers by the use of quinine are dependent entirely upon the degree of supervision exercised during the preparation and during the adminis- tration of the doses, and that in institutions where this method of prophylaxis is adopted the prevalence of malarial fevers among the inmates is one measure of the care and capacity with which the duties of management are performed. In order to illustrate the minute attention to details which is essential for obtaining successful results in prophylaxis by the use of quinine the G