?(6) From Secretary to Government, North-Western Provinces, to Inspector-General of Hospitals, Upper Provinces (No 52).-Dated Allahabad, the 3rd April, 1869. SIR,-I am directed to forward to you for consideration the accompanying extract from a letter No. 44, dated 23rd ultimo, from the Sanitary Commissioner, North-Western Provinces, reporting on the outbreak of cholera in the village of Akhoree in the Mirzapore District, in which he suggests the expediency of supplying Civil Surgeons with a medicine-tray, containing sets of medicines to be sent with Native Doctors deputed to cholera-stricken districts. I have, &c., R. SIMSON, Secy. to Govt., N. W. P. OFFICE MEMORANDUM,-No. 64. GENERAL (SANITATION) DEPARTMENT. Dated Allahabad, the 10th April, 1869. THE undersigned is directed to forward, to the Secretary to the Sanitary Commissioner with the Government of India, a printed copy of papers relative to the outbreak of cholera in the village of Akhoree, in the Mirzapore District. F. HENVEY, Offg. Jr. Secy. to Govt., N. W. P. From Inspector-General of Hospitals, Bengal Medical Department, to Secretary to Government, North-Western Provinces (No. 8).-Dated Fort William, the 8th April, 1869. SIR,-In acknowledging the receipt of your letter No. 52, of the 3rd instant, forwarding, for my opinion, a suggestion from the Sanitary Commissioner of the North-Western Provinces, on the advisability of supplying Civil Surgeons with a medicine-tray, containing sets of medicines to be sent with Native Doctors deputed to cholera-stricken districts, I have the honour to state, for the information of the Hon'ble the Lieutenant-Governor of the North-Western Provinces, that I consider the measure judicious, and beg to recommend its adoption. I have, &c., J. MURRAY, Inspr.-Genl. of Hospls., Bengal Medl. Dept. CIRCULAR No. 19. From Secretary to Government, North-Western Provinces, to all Commissioners of the North-Western Provinces (No. 72).-Dated Allahabad, the 1st May, 1869. Perhaps it might be advantageous to cause Civil Surgeons to be supplied with a properly-divided medicine-tray, in which a reasonable supply of medicines might be sent with the Native Doctor deputed in any district to such work as this at Akhoree. SIR,-I am directed to draw your attention to the extract entered in the margin, from a letter from the Sanitary Commissioner, North-Western Provinces, No. 44, dated the 23rd March last, in which he