?CONTENTS. iii Page Klang and Port Swettenham ... ... 129 Free Town ... ... 129 Hongkong ... ... 129 Cairo ... ... 129 Panama ... ... 129 Section 2. Cost of Mosquito Prevention in Bombay ... ... 130 Scheme I ... ... 131 Scheme II ... ... 133 " 3. Cost of certain Permanent Measures ... ... 134 CHAPTER V.-THE OBSTACLES TO MALARIA PREVENTION IN BOMBAY ... ... 136 VI.-THE PLACE OF QUININE IN THE PREVEN- TION OF MALARIA IN BOMBAY ... ... 141 The sale of Quiniae in palatable form ... ... 143 Treatment of cases of malaria in Bombay ... ... 144 VII.-SOME REASONS WHICH MAKE IT IMPERA- TIVE THAT MALARIA SHOULD BE ERADI- CATED FROM BOMBAY ... ... 147 VIII.-FINAL CONCLUSIONS REGARDING MALA- RIA PREVENTION IN BOMBAY ... ... 152 Measures to be adopted ... ... 153 Choice of measures against all mosquitoes or malaria- carrying anophelines ... ... 154 Expenditure ... ... 154 Special Officer ... ... 155 Subordinate staff ... ... 155 Legal Powers ... ... 155 MAPS. Map of Bombay showing Wards and Ward Sections ... ... Front. Map of Bombay showing original group of islets compared with present island ... ... To face page 21 Map of Bombay showing area below sea-level ... ... Do. page 23 Map of Bombay showing undrained area ... ... Do. page 29 Map showing the wells in the North Fort Do. page 70 Map showing the wells in a portion of Dhobi Talao ... ... Do. page 71 DIAGRAMS. Curves of class mortality showing effect of migration ... ... To face page 14 Map showing distribution of malaria and epidemic centres ... ... Do. page 81 Map showing limits and distribution of breeding places of N. Stephensi. ... ... Do. page 82 PLATES. Key to adult Anophelines of Bombay ... ... To face page 62 Key to Anopheline Larvae of Bombay ... ... Do. page 69 APPENDICES. Appendix No. I.-Note upon the non-malarial fevers of Bombay ... ... 157 Appendix No. II.-Note upon Black-water fever in Bombay ... ... 158 Appendix No. III.-Climatic Data- Table I. Average temperatures ... ... 159 Table II. Rainfall, humidity and wind ... ... 160 Table III. Weekly rainfall since 1906 ... ... 161 Table IV. Distribution of heavy falls of rain since 1906 ... ... 162 Table V. Maximum and minimum temperatures, weekly averages since 1906 ... ... 163 Table VI. Relative humidity, weekly averages since 1906 ... ... 164 Appendix No. IV.-Table I. Area of sections in city, number of houses and population ... ... 165 Appendix No. V.-Table I. Deaths from various causes since 1848 ... ... 166 Appendix No. VI.-Tables I to XIV- Monthly admissions of fever cases to dispensaries ... ... 167