?8 tur dál. Bájri, which forms the staple food of the Deccani population in Bombay, cost Rs. 2-11-11 per maund during the first five months of 1907, but in Septem- ber 1908 the price had risen to Rs. 4-4-10, an increase of 56.7 per cent. As has already been pointed out, although the single man among the workers of Bombay is well off and may be able to save and remit money to his country, the working man with a family has a hard fight at the best of times and a rise in the price of food or in rents affects him very greatly. It is this stress of home life among the working classes which is largely responsible for the appalling mortality among infants and young children in Bombay. 19. Indebtedness.-A very large proportion of the population of Bombay, particularly those belonging to the working classes, exist in a chronic state of indebtedness; and of this there are two kinds:- (a) Debts contracted in their country usually in the form of a mortgage on land. (b) Debts contracted locally with Banias and others in Bombay. Indebtedness of the first class is responsible for bringing large numbers of workers to the City in search of employment. Debts of this nature generally range from Rs. 100 to Rs. 1,000 or more, upon which interest at the rate of from 10 per cent. to 12 per cent. is charged. In many cases holders of in- debted land appear to have passed their land on to others, who cultivate it and pay the interest, the original holder retaining nothing but a lien on the land in the hope of some day resuming it. Local indebtedness is due to another cause. Usually people coming to Bombay in search of work are compelled to borrow from friends or relatives or to obtain goods on credit from Banias. If a man loses his employment, through illness or otherwise, he speedily falls into debt. It is no uncommon thing to find that men earning from Rs. 10 to 12 or Rs. 16 per month are in debt to a Bania for as much as Rs. 50 or more; the crowd of Banias, Márwáries and Cabuli money-lenders who may may be seen hanging round pay offices in Bombay on pay days shows that the petty money-lenders in the City keep a sharp look out upon their clients. It is often forgotten that, the impelling motive that brings many workers into the City is the necessity for earning money to remit to their homes, either for the support of relations or for the payment of debts or both. Thus it happens that the average Bombay labourer can count upon spending only a portion of his earnings upon himself. It is no uncommon thing for men, who have left their families at home, to remit a considerable amount of their wages each month to their native village. Masons from the Poona District earning Re. 1 a day will sometimes send as much as Rs. 15 to their country each month and many workers regularly remit Rs. 5 to 10 at longer intervals. But in many cases they find it necessary to borrow the money which they remit, and as a rule only those without incumbrances in the City, in the form of wife and children, can remit money regularly. Section 3. 20. MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION.-At the head of the Municipal Administration of the City is the Municipal Corporation, the Standing Committee and the Municipal Commissioner. The Municipal Corporation is composed of 72 members, 36 of whom are elected at Ward Elections by the votes of property- owners and tax-payers. A further 16 are elected by the Justices of the Peace, of whom there are 600 in the City; 2 more are elected by the 110 Fellows of the University; 2 by the Bombay Chamber of Commerce; and 16 are appointed by Government. One-sixth are usually Europeans and one-fourth Pársis and the remainder is mostly made up of Hindus and Mussulmans. A large proportion of the members of the Corporation are holders of University degrees and from 9 to 12 are usually qualified medical men. The Standing Committee is composed of 12 members, 8 of whom are elected by the Municipal Councillors and 4 appointed by Government. The Municipal Commissioner is appointed by Government.