11 Euamination of this table shows that there has been a general steady increase in the total ,number of deaths recorded from 1848 to 1896, with certain sharp fluctuations in 1864-1865 and 1877-1878. From 1896 to 1900 there was a sudden rise and then a more graduallfall with slight fluctuations. and from 1907 onwards the total mortality has shown a more sudden drop. Enquiry shows that in the past a sudden rise in the total number of deaths in Bombay City was co- incident with the occurrence of scarcity in certain of the rural districts. This was the case in 1854, 1863-1866, 1875 -1878, 1896-1901 and more recently in 1906. At these periods the city population was augmented by large numbers of people seeking employment or relief. The occurrence of acute famine in 1877 and again in 1893-1901 led to the influx of enormous numbers of destitute refugees whose presence served to swell the total mortality to most alarming proportions. Plague was first recognized in 1896 and the epidemic, which broke out that year and every year since, has raised the total mortality of the City considerably. 31. Seasonal Mortality.--Until about 16 years ago the deaths occurring in the City were almost equally distributed between the dry and wet seasons, as shown by the following table, but since 1895 an excess of deaths has taken place in the, period from. December to May. Year. Total deaths in year. Deaths in six months June to November. Percentage. Deaths in six months December to May. Percentage. 1863 18,696 9,649 51.56 9,047 48.33 1864* 25,015 10,680 42.89 14,335 57.31 1865* 28,631 10,572 36.93 18,053 63.07 1866* 16,865 7,002 41.52 9,863 58.48 1857 15,500 7,024 45.32 8,476 54.68 1868 15,702 7,595 48.37 8,107 51.63 1869 17,713 7,963 44.95 9,750 55.04 1870 14,888 7,266 48.80 7,622 51.20 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 18,734 8.553 45.65 10,181 54.35 1876 20,783 8,707 41.89 12,076 58.11 1877 33,511 15765 47.04 17,746 52.96 1878 26,999 13,461 49.86 13,538 50.11 1879 22,527 10,832 48.08 11,635 51.92 1880 21,146 9,467 44177 11,679 55.23 1881 21,856 10,899 49.87 10,957 50.13 1882 20,468 9,368 45.77 11,100 54.23 1883 23,530 11,113 47.23 12,417 52.77 1884 22,542 11,154 49.48 11,388 50.52 1885 21,850 10,551 48.29 11,299 51.51 1886 20,074 9,896 49.30 11,178 50.70 1887 20,513 10,340 50.41 10,173 49.59 1888 1889 23,048 13,250 57.49 9,798 42.51 1890 20,231 9,271 45.83 10,960 51.17 1891 23,501 11,725 49. 89 11,776 50.11 1892 26,178 12,280 46. 91 13,898 53.09 1893 22,802 11,075 48. 57 11,727 51.43 1894 26,908 13,456 50.01 13,452 49.99 1895 24,655 11,413 46.29 13,242 53.71 1896 33,050 15,174 45.91 17,876 54.09 1897 47,475 18,478 38.92 28,997 6108 1898 51,617 16,642 32.24 31,975 67.76 1899 56,434 16,989 30.10 39,445 69.90 1900 79,350 28,851 36.36 50,499 63.64 1901 59,945 20,365 33.97 39,580 66.03 1902 43,414 17,513 36.17 30,901 63.83 1903 50,513 14,349 28.41 36,161 71.59 1904 42,676 15,859 37.16 26,819 62.84 1905 47,762 14,871 31.14 32,801 68.86 1906 52,874 20,611 38.98 32,23 61.01 1007 38,687 16,422 42.45 22,265 57.55 1908 38,271 15,485 40.39 22,813 59.61 1909 34,878 14,334 41.10 20,544 58.90 1910 34,933 15,914 45.56 19,019 54.44