TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Subject of Report... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 Result of enquiries ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 Cause of delay in submission of Report ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 Dr. Leith's Abstract of the conclusions of the Cholera Conference should be reprinted ... ... 1 Arrangement of topics considered by the "Conference" ... ... ... ... ... 2 Scope of the Report ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 The enforcement of the recommendations of the Conference requires the authority of Government ... 2 The questions considered, and the conclusions arrived at, by the Conference ... ... ... 2 Method adopted by the Committee to verify the correctness of these conclusions ... ... ... 8 Abstract Return shewing various points regarding the origination and propagation of Epidemic Cholera in Southern India ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 Considerations preliminary to the present enquiry ... ... ... ... ... 20 Different modes of origination of epidemics ... ... ... ... ... ... 21 Endemicity of Cholera in India ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 22 Conclusions of the Conference and the importance of these ... ... ... ... 22 Alleged endemicity of Cholera at certain stations ... ... ... ... ... 22 The enquiries of the Committee do not confirm the foregoing opinion ... ... ... 22 Cholera not considered as endemic in any part of this Presidency. ... ... ... ... 22 Cholera not endemic in Madras ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 22 Arrangement of subject of enquiry ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 23 Method of enquiry proposed in the present report ... ... ... ... ... 23 Origination of epidemics due chiefly to contagion from pilgrimages ... ... ... ... 23 The subject of pilgrimages has been sufficiently discussed ... ... ... ... 23 Additional subjects to be considered ... ... ... ... ... ... 23 The results of experience regarding the transmission of Cholera claim especial attention ... ... 23 Various conditions under which epidemic Cholera is most usually observed ... ... ... 24 General considerations equally apply to all the foregoing conditions ... ... ... ... 25 General principles of prevention widely applicable ... ... ... ... ... 25 Conclusions of the Conference on the foregoing ... ... ... ... ... 25 How these views should be carried out ... ... ... ... ... ... 25 How to maintain the purity of air in cities ... ... ... ... ... ... 25 Water supply how to be protected from contamination ... ... ... ... ... 26 The foregoing subjects need not be reiterated ... ... ... ... ... 26 Several of the measures recommended are not novel ... ... ... ... ... 26 I. OUTLINE OF MEASURES OF SANITATION FOR THE PREVENTION AND CHECK OF EPIDEMIC CHOLERA IN CITIES, VILLAGES AND TOWNS. General principles of conservancy of Towns ... ... ... ... ... ... 27 The probable results of the adoption of these principles ... ... ... .. ... 27 Epidemic disease in crowded towns, during famine and from want of European Medical advice ... ... 27 Institution of broad streets greatly required ... ... ... ... ... 27 II. MILTARY CANTONMENTS. Rules for Military Cantonments ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 27 Rules for arresting Cholera among Troops in infected Barracks ... ... ... ... 28 Measures of a preventive and curative character necessary for troops on the march ... ... ... 28 Identity of recommendations for station and marching Cholera camps ... ... ... 29 Rules for Cholera Camps ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 29 Further suggestions on same subject ... ... ... ... ... ... 29