?46 Results. The following table shows that from July 1897 until March 1898 35,935 steamers and native craft and 481,250 crew and passengers from ports on the coast of Western India were inspected:- Months. Vessels Inspected. Persons Inspected. Passengers. Steam-ships and square, rigged vessels. Native sailing craft. Total. Passengers. Crew. Total. Segregated. Plague Cases. Steam-ships and sqare- -rigged vessels. Country craft. Steam ships and square- rigged vessels. Country craft. Passengers. Crew Crew and Passengers. 1897. July 89 943 1,032 9,152 973 3,228 6,517 10,125 9,745 19,870 489 ... August 100 1,639 1,739 15,344 2,139 4,287 9,956 17,483 14,243 31,726 919 ... September 139 3,772 3,911 37,773 4,584 5,506 22,606 42,357 28,112 70,469 3,565 4 October 158 4,749 4,907 31,630 992 5,309 28,849 32,622 34,158 66,780 10,548 4 November 156 4,943 5,099 33,464 649 5,429 31,382 34,113 36,811 70,024 9,692 15 December 160 5,263 5,423 33,282 1,013 5,439 34,290 34,295 39,729 74,024 9,148 5 1898. January 181 4,249 4,430 11,311 335 3,427 28,097 11,646 31,524 43,170 2,986 ... February 102 4,793 4,895 13,279 209 2,852 82,089 13,488 34,941 48,429 415 1 March 121 4,378 4,499 21,595 663 3,919 29,681 22,258 33,600 55,858 461 6 TOTAL 1,206 34,729 35,935 206,830 11,557 39,396 223,467 218,387 263,863 481,250 38,223 27 Twenty-seven cases of plague were detected or developed among the suspicious cases which were sent to quarantine. These 27 cases came from the following ports :- Goregaum ... ... ... 1 Cutch Mandvi ...... 12 Jaffrabad ... ... ... 1 Verawal ... ... .. 1 Malwan ... ... ... 1 Bankoti ... ... ... 1 Karachi ... ... ... 1 27 Plague Cases. Revdanda ... ... ... 2 Calcutta ......... 1 Nagotna ... ... ... 2 Dabhoi ............ 1 Mandvi ... ...... 1 Other ports ... ... ... 2 Outward Sea Inspection. The above statistics do not apply to the outward inspections, which were under the direct control of Government and were carried out by Government servants. During the period from July 1897 until March 1898 inclusive, the Government Medical Staff inspected 35,816 outward- bound vessels and native craft-268,882 crew, 322,051 passengers, or a total of 590,933 crew and passengers. The inspection of outward- bound crew and passengers continued to be very rigorous, and owing to this being known very few cases of fully developed plague were found at the time of inspection ; but 84 cases of Plague broke out among the rejected crews and passengers who were sent to the hospitals for observation.