47 So far as is known no ship bound for a European or a Foreign port had a case of plague on board after her departure from Bombay. Combined results. The combined results of the Inward and Outward Inspections are therefore as follows :- 71,751 Vessels and native craft. } Inspected from July 1897 to 531,745 Crew. March 1898. 540,438 Passengers. The inspection resulted in a detection of 115 plague cases. Staff. These inspections were controlled up to the middle of October 1897 by Surgeon-Major MacCartie, C.I.E., and afterwards by his successor, Surgeon-Major T. Crimmin, V. C. The following is a list of the staff who served the Plague Com- mittee from the 30th June 1897 until 31st March 1898. The list shows the date on which each officer was first entertained :- NAMES OF OFFICERS. PERIOD REMARKS. From To I. - COMMISSIONED MEDICAL OFFICERS. Surg.-Lt. E. F. E. Baines. 21st April 1897 23rd December 1897. Transferred to Govt. " Sealy ...... 24th December 1897 31st December 1897. Transferred to Plague Committee. II. - LADY DOCTORS. Mrs. J. Walker ...... 16th May 1897 12th September 1897. Resigned. Miss Brennan 13th September 1897 5th October 1897. " Seraphina Dias 16th September 1897 31st March 1898. Mrs. M. M. Murzban 1st October 1897 31st March 1898. " Dadina 8th October 1897 31st January 1898. Services dispensed with on account of reduction. III. - PRIVATE MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS. Dr. P. D. Hormusji 4th April 1897 31st March 1898. " James Munday 5th April 1897 Do. " H. J. Khambatta 12th August 1897 26th December 1897. Transferred to Plague Committee. Do. " A. F. Fernandez 6th September 1897 Do. Do. " H. C. Munji Do. 6th. October 1897. Resigned. " R. M. Nanji Do. 4th February 1898. Transferred to Govt. Asst. Surg. E. O. Fen-wick. Do. 31st October 1897. Resigned. Mr. B. B. Vijaikar Do. 31st March 1898. Dr. M. K. Munshi 7th September 1897 28th December 1897. Transferred to Plague Committee. Asst. Surg. M. G. Carroll. 13th September 1897 30th October 1897. Mr. J. B. Munsiff 1st October 1897 31st March 1898. " K. M. Munsukh 7th October 1897 Do. Asst. Surg. H. S. Tanner. 1st November 1897 15th January 1898. Resigned. Dr. D. B. Naik 9th December 1897 6th January 1898.