3 Collector, Salt Revenue, who was placed at the disposal of the Plague Commissioner by G. R. 3500-3874-P. of 18th June 1898. He was relieved on 1st September by Capt. Jenkin Jones, I.S.C. Lieut. Keogh, R.A., was transferred from C Ward to assist Capt. Jones on 23rd Sep- tember, and relieved that officer on his departure on 28th November. This district was formally constituted a separate charge on 2nd Octo- ber 1898. Lieut. Nangle, I.S.C., relieved Lieut. Keogh on 13th De- cember, the latter Officer being transferred to F and G Wards. Capt. Pritchard, I.S.C., took the place of Lieut. Nangle on the 13th March, and remained in charge till the end of the year. C Ward: Comprising Market, Dhobitalao, Bhuleshwar, Fanaswadi, Kumbharwada and (till the constitution of the Central District) Khara- talao.-The commencement of the year found Capt. Bingley, I.S.C., in charge of C Ward, with Lieut. Warneford, I.S.C. Capt. Bingley reverted to Military employment by G. R. 4559-4801-P. of 15th August 1898, and Lieut. Warneford took charge of the whole district. He was assisted by Lieut. Keogh, who joined at the end of July, till his transfer to B Ward on 23rd September 1898. He was assisted by Lieut. Anderson, I.S.C., from 6th September till that officer reverted at the end of February. He was assisted by Lieut. Hopwood, I.S.C., from 27th December 1898 to 22nd April 1899. Mr. C. J. Clark, of the Bombay Customs Department, was placed at Lieut. Warneford's dis- posal at the end of January as Superintendent of Disinfection, and continued there till the end of May, when he was transferred to the Central District. D Ward: Comprising Khetwadi, Girgaum, Chowpatti, Walkeshwar and Mahalaxmi.-Capt. Lock, I.S.C., previously engaged in the Pass Department at the Town Hall, took charge of D Ward from Dr. Haydon on 13th June 1898. Capt. Lock reverted to the Government of India on 15th October and went home on account of ill-health; the district remaining in charge of Dr. Shroff till the end of December, when Lieut. Tristram was placed at the disposal of the Municipal Commissioner and relieved him. Capt. Wood, I.S.C., reported himself on 11th January 1899, and took charge of the district; Lieut. Tristram, I.S.C., being transferred to F and G Wards. Capt. Wood reverted to military employ on 28th February, and was replaced by Capt. Cuppage, I. S.C., who reported himself on 6th March. Capt. Dunbar Stuart, I.S.C., reported himself on 15th March, and was posted to the district as Joint District Officer. He took sole charge of the district on 8th May 1899, when Capt. Cuppage was transferred to C Ward, and remained in charge till the end of the year. E Ward, West: Comprising Kamatipura, Tardeo, 1st Nagpada, and (till the constitution of the Central District), 2nd Nagpada.-The com- mencement of the year found Dr. R. D. Dalal in charge. Lieut. French,