?32 APPENDIX II. Table of villages in alphabetical order in which anopheline larvæ and adults were found:- AKURLI.-My. Culicifacies larvæ in rice field; Ny. Jamesii larvæ in tank named Dhondlai; My. Fuliginosus larvæ in pool, and well; My. Fuliginosus adults, hut and cowshed in Gauthan. ANDHERI.-My. Listonii larvæ in well in S. No. 14, tank in S. No. 81, rice-fields in S. Nos. 81 and 809; My. Barbirostris adults, cowsheds in S. Nos. 9 and 12. ANIK.-Ny. Fuliginosus larvæ in tank in Gauthan; My. Culicifacies larvæ in stream; Ny. Fuliginosus larvæ in wells in S. Nos. 4 and 23; pool in S. No. 75; rice- fields in S. No. 20. AMBIVLI.-M. Barbirostris adults, cowshed. ARE.-Ny. Fuliginosus adults, huts and cowshed on Gauthan; My. Listonii adults, cowshed in Gauthan; M. Barbirostris adults, cowshed in Gauthan; My. Culicifacies adults, hut in Gauthan. BALKUMB.-Ny. Fuliginosus larvæ in well. BANDIVLI.-M. Barbirostris larvæ in wells in S. Nos. 1, 17 and 19; tank in S. Nos. 24 and 25; Ny. Fuliginosus larvæ in tank in S. Nos. 24 and 25, pools in S. Nos. 24 and 41, well in S. No. 17. BANDRA (SEE ALSO MATMAULI AND PALI HILL).-M. Barbirostris larvæ in wells in S. Nos. 189, 197, 198, 204, 223, 230, 235, two in 239, 240 and 241, one in Gauthan, one in Bungalow No. 40, one in Municipal school No. 1, one in Rangari's chawl, one at right hand side of St. Joseph Convent's School, and 5 wells, and one pool in S. No. 241; Ny. Fuliginosus larvæ in well in S. No. 261, one in House No. 14, and one tank; My. Culicifacies larvæ in well in S. No. 261; Ny. Jamesii larvæ in well; My. Listonii larvæ in well at side of St. Joseph Convent's School; M. Barbirostris adults in cowshed in Gauthan. BHANDUP.-Ny Fuliginosus larvæ in well in S. No. 31; rice field in S. No. 39; adults in cowshed in Gauthan; My. Culicifacies larvæ in well in S. No. 3, well of khot, well of Mahar; adults in pacca house on Gauthan; Ny. Jamesii larvæ in tank, adults in cowshed in Gauthan; My. Listonii larvæ in well in S. No. 23; N. Punctulata adults in cowshed in Gauthan. BORIVLI.-Ny. Fuliginosus larvæ in tank; My. Culicifacies larvæ in well in S. No. 12, and one well. BAMANVADA.-Ny. Fuliginosus larvæ in well in S. No. 54, in tank; adults in cowsheds in Gauthan; My. Culicifacies larvæ in well in S. No. 3. CHAKALE.-M. Barbirostris larvæ in rice field in S. No. 39; Ny. Fuliginosus larvæ in rice field in S. No. 39; tank in S. No. 48; adults in cowsheds in Gauthan; My. Culicifacies larvæ in well in S. No. 46. CHARKOP.-M. Barbirostris larvæ in well in S. No. 12; My. Listonii larvæ in well in S. No. 12. CHEMBUR.-Ny. Fuliginosus larvæ in pool: My. Jamesii larvæ in salt pool. DAHISAR.-M. Barbirostris larvæ in two wells in S. No. 133; Ny. Fuliginosus adults in cowshed in Gauthan; My. Culicifacies larvæ in wells in S. Nos. 133, 29 and 254 and one well; My. Listonii larvæ in well in S. No. 249, and one well, stream near S. No. 24; Ny. Jamesii adults in cowshed in Gauthan. DHOKALE.-M. Barbirostris larvæ in wells; adults in cowshed in Gauthan; Ny. Fuliginosus larvæ in one well; My. Culicifacies larvæ in well. DINDOSHI.-My. Culicifacies larvæ in well. EKSAR.-Ny. Fuliginosus larvæ in rice field in S. No. 20; tank in S. No. 202; My. Culicifacies larvæ in well; My. Listonii adults in cowshed in Gauthan; GHATKOPER.-Ny. Barbirostris adults in cowshed in Gavthan; Ny. Fuliginosus adults in building in Gauthan; My. Culicifacies larvæ in tank, rice field in S. No. 185; Ny. Jamesii larvæ in well in S. No. 1. GONDIVLI.-Ny. Fuliginosus larvæ in tank; Ne. Stephensi larvæ in rice-field in S. No. 21. GOREGAON.-Ny. Fuliginosus larvæ in well in S. No. 24, tank in S. No. 100. HARIYALI.-M. Barbirostris adults in cowshed in Gauthan; Ny. Fuliginosus adults in hut and cowshed in Gauthan; My. Culicifacies adults in cowshed in Gauthan. KANDIVLI.-Ny. Fuliginosus larvæ in rice-field in S. No. 12, tank in S. No. 15; adults in cowshed in Gauthan; My. Culicifacies larvæ in tank in S. No. 15; Ny. Jamesii larvæ in rice-field in S. No. 12. KANJUR.-Ny. Fuliginosus larvæ in rice-field, in pool; My. Culicifacies larvæ in well; My. Listonii larvæ in stream.