37 The larvæ of not more than one tank, well or stream may be put into one bottle, though a chain or rice-fields or borrow-pits may be considered as one. When enough larvæ have been secured the cap is to be fixed on with the elastic, and the bottle given back to the cooly. The number of the bottle, and a short description of the piece of water from which the larvæ were taken, with the name of the village, and if possible the survey number, should be entered in the note-book, before the cooly replaces the bottle in its compartment of the box. Bibliography. Report on the possibilities of development of Salsette as a residential area-Mead. Paludism, Vols. I to V. The Anopheline Mosquitos of India-James and Liston. Second Edition. The practical Study of Malaria-Stephens and Christopher. Report of an investigation into the causes of Malaria in Bombay and the measure necessary for its control-Bentley. An Enquiry into Malaria in Sharanpur City-Robertson. An Enquiry into Malaria in Nagina-Robertson. Investigation of Malaria at Kyaukpyu-O'Gorman Lalor. BOMBAY: PRINTED AT THE GOVERNMENT CENTRAL PRESS. H 629-10