ii CONTENTS. PAGE. Water-supply at Stations- Karáchi 24 Hyderabad 26 Bombay ib. Baroda ib. Ahmedabad ib. Deesa 28 Mount Abu ib. Tárágarh 30 Nasirabad ib. Neemuch ib. Indore ib. Mhhow ib. Asirgarh ib. Devláli 31 Ahmednagar ib. Poona 32 Kirkee 34 Purandhar ib. Sátára ib. Kolhápur ib. Belgaum ib. Water rendered impure by use of the Bhisti's musuck ib. Efficiency of the Macnamara filter ib. Impure water in prostitutes' houses, Sadar Bázárs, and native villages. 35 Food- Insufficiency of ration allowed to soldier 35 Letter from Staff Surgeon Ridout, R. N., giving the scale of ration allowed to men in the Royal Navy 36 Report by Surgeon Milne, Acting Chemical Analyser to Government, contrasting the Naval and soldier's ration 37 Recommendation regarding increase of soldier's ration and changing the hours of meals 39 Presence of a scorbutic taint found in all stations ib. Extra allowance of green vegetables recommended ib. More strigent orders required regarding the keeping of swine in Cantonments 40 Epidemics of so-called Typhoid Fever in former days sometimes due to the propagation of Trichinć ib. An outbreak supposed to be Enteric Fever on board the Reformatory Ship Cornwall ib. On investigation found to be due to the presence of a Flesh-worm belonging to the genus Pelodera not before known to invade the human body ib. Dr. Bastian's remarks ib Milk supplied to barracks and patcherries 41 Slaughter-houses ib. Bakeries ib. Barracks ib. Standard plan applicable to all stations condemned ib. Sites of barracks ib. Nuisances beyond limits of the Cantonment 42 Marshy or sub-marshy ground ib. Construction of barracks ib. Leaky roofs and drift rain ib. Ground damp ib. Royal Sanitary Commission's recommendation not acted upon ib. Necessity for gutters round eaves and impervious shallow drains to carry off roof water ib. No under-drain age in stations ib. Ventilation in barracks excessive during the Monsoon 43 Wastage water - disposal of ib. Latrines - Insufficient ventilation in ib. Impossibility of keeping pans clean in ib. Use of dry earth not habitual ib. Danger of iron tubs in which night-soil is carried away 44 Night-soil, disposal of ib.