?37 "No. 16 OF 1883-84. Chemical Analyser's Office, Bombay, 5th April 1883. FROM THE CHEMICAL ANALYSER TO GOVERNMENT; To DEPUTY SURGEON GENERAL HEWLETT, ON SPECIAL DUTY, Bombay. SIR, I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter No. 263 of 26th ultimo with enclosure from Staff Surgeon, Ridout, R. N., herewith enclosed, and beg to forward the following statements showing the nutritive values of the various articles of diet supplied to the British soldier in India and to the men of the Royal Navy serving in the East Indian station :- 2. DIET OF THE BRITISH SOLDIER IN INDIA. Nutritive Value in Ounces Avoirdupois and in 10ths of Ounces. Articles. Daily quantity. Water. Nitrogenous Substances. Fat. Carbohydrates. Salts. Meat (1/5th bone) 12 Oz. 9·60 1·91 1·07 ·210 Bread 16 “ 6·50 1·18 ·24 7·87 ·208 Potatoes 12 “ 8·88 ·18 ·01 2·81 ·015 Onions (as mixed vegetables) 4 “ 3·64 ·08 ·02 ·23 ·025 A. Rice 4 “ ·42 ·02 ·03 3·33 ·020 B. Flour 4 “ ·60 ·44 ·08 2·81 ·068 Tea 5/7 “ Sugar 2 1/2” ·08 2·40 ·019 Salt 2/8 “ ·666 Total quantity A 55·88 29·12 3·55 1·37 16·64 1·164 “ “ B 55·88 29·30 3·79 1·32 16·12 1·212 Total Nitrogen in the foregoing diets A 244·95 grains. B 261·51 " Total Salts A 511·0 " B 530·21 " Carbon in Albuminates A 827·15 " B 883·07 " " Fats A 473·47 " B 456·19 " " Starches A 3,231·49 " B 3,130·50 " Total Carbon in A 4,532·11 " B 4,469·76 " Remarks.-In the above statement two values of the diet are indicated, in A the value when rice is taken, in B when flour is taken as part of the diet. In both the total nitrogen is deficient and is below the quantity in the standard average diet of a European which contains about 316.5 grains. Carbon is also below the average standard (4,862 grains). The proportion of carbon is too large for the nitrogen. Fat is very deficient, and all the carbon mostly is yielded by the carbo-hydrates and not by the fat. Diet would be improved by the addition of a small quantity of oil or butter with peas or beans. Accessory foods are deficient. Vinegar has been strongly recommended as an addition. The salts in the diet are sufficient. Greater variety is required for perfect health so as to suit the peculiarities in taste of the men. In India the diet is probably insufficient for even light labour and is altogether insufficient for soldiers undergoing severe exertion in the field. BRITISH SAILOR ON EAST INDIAN STATION-DIET IN HARBOUR. Nutritive Value in Ounces Avoirdupois and in 10ths of Ounces. Articles. Daily quantity. Water. Nitrogenous Substances. Fat. Carbohydrates. Salts. Fresh meat (1/5th bone) 16 Ozs. 9·60 1·91 1·07 ·210 Vegetables 8 " 7·28 ·16 ·04 ·46 ·050 Soft Bread 20 " 8·00 1·60 0·30 9·84 ·260 Sugar 2 " 0·06 1·93 ·010 Total quantity 46 Ozs. 24·94 3·67 1·41 12·23 ·531 Total Nitrogen 252·23 grains. " Salts 231·875" Carbon in Albuminates 855·11 " " Fat 487·29 " " Carbo-hydrates 2,375·06 " Total Carbon 3,717·46 " B 357-10