?70 In the head-quarters of the 2nd batalion 15th Regiment two cases occurred which were, it was thought, contracted either at Poona or on the line of march. In 1878 a case occurred in the month of February, the man was supposed to have contracted the disease at Ahmedabad. Three other cases took place in the Regiment, and out of the four admissions only one recovered. Enteric fever appeared in the B/2 during the rainy season, September and October. There were altogether 12 cases, viz., 8 men, 1 woman, and 3 children; of these 3 proved fatal, viz., 2 men and one child. The cause was attributed to milk adulterated with water polluted by excreta; but I have been unable to find any more facts. In 1879 in the N/Battery 1st Brigade R. A. two cases of enteric fever were admitted into hospital from the same barrack-room, but the exact cause of the disease was not ascertained. And one case, which was probably contracted at Ahmedabad, occurred in the 2/15th Regiment. There are no remarks about the two cases which took place in the battery in 1881. The ratio per 1,000 of strength has been far higher among the Artillery in this station than among the Infantry, or, indeed, in any other station. I cannot but think a mistake of the gravest kind has been committed in placing the battery horse lines directly to windward of and in such close proximity to the barracks. The well from which the drinking water is obtained is, it will be remembered, close to the horse lines. As usual all the stale of the horses sinks into the ground, and although there is a great thickness of sand, yet it is a most suspicious fact that the enteric fever always occurs in the battery during or after the rainy season.