?130 " Regimental No. 2075. Name.-Thomas Blurton. Age last brith-day.-21 years. Completed years of service-2 years 5 months. Station.-Karáchi. Time on Station.-7 months. Day of Month. Particulars of Case and Prescriptions. Diet. Extras. 1881. Disease-'REMITTENT FEVER'. April 24th . This man came to hospital on the even- ing of the 22nd, complaining of feeling very weak and with slight diarrhśa ; the temperature was found to be 103° but no urgent symptoms showed themselves ; he had ol. ricini, mucilage, gum acac. and opium in small doses which arrested the purging of the bowels ; there was no paroxysm of ague. No urgent symptoms being present, the case was deemed to be one of febricula ; but the symptoms next morning were those of remittent fever. This patient had been in hospital for seven days from 14th to 20th instant suffering from an attack of slight febricula, but no rise in temperature worthy of record ; he had a purely milk diet and seemed all right when dis- charged from hospital on the 20th instant. He is a delicate boy and since his arrival in Karáchi has been in hos- pital (5) five times with (3) three attacks of ague, one of febricula, one of remittent fever. Milk. J. PERCIVAL HUNT, M.D., Surgeon, Army Medical Department. April 25th.. The patient seems a little better ; has slept well and takes his milk diet well ; his pulse is good ; his tongue is moist and fairly clean ; the temperature at night 103°, morning 102°. He is ordered a tepid bath in the evening and tepid sponging to the body 3 times a day, 15 min. of glycerine every 2 hours and 10 grs. of quinine at 4 P.M. ; also half an ounce of ol. ricini at bed time to relieve the bowels. Milk ... 4 lbs. Ice. April 27th.. The temperature rose to 104° lastevening but fell this morning to 103°; the patient seems restless and uneasy, but does not complain of feeling any worse ; the skin is moist ; the tongue clean. As the quinine which had been given in in- creased doses did not appear to reduce the temperature, he is ordered 15 grains of salicylate of soda at 4 P.M. ; to have also a tepid bath and continue the glycerine. Spoon ... Ice 4 lbs. Milk 3 pts. April 29th.. The patient seems growing rapidly worse ; the salicylate of soda wasincreased but no reduction of temperature. The tepid baths had also no effect, and the patient was delirious all night, the pupils being dilated at morning visit. Spoon … Milk 5 pts. Ice 4 lbs. Brandy 2 ozs.