No. 8-Medl.-1. FROM L. FRENCH, ESQUIRE, O.I.E., I.C.S., Additional Secretary to Government, Punjab, To THE INSPECTOR-GENERAL OF CIVIL HOSPITALS, PUNJAB. Dated Lahore, 8th December 1916. Home. Medical. SIR, I AM directed to acknowledge receipt of your letter No. 6275 General, dated the 1st November 1916, with which was forwarded the Annual Report of the Chief Malaria Officer, Punjab, on the work done in the Malaria Bureau during the year 1915 with your remarks thereon. 2. Last year the attention of the officers concerned was drawn to suggestions made by Colonel Lane for the amelioration of conditions favourable to the development of malaria in certain localities: and they were directed to take such action as might be possible. This year's Report contains no reference to any results which may have been obtained in consequence of such action: and I am to request that this matter may be noticed in next year's Report. 3. It appears that 51/2 months were consumed in printing this Report with its charts. No doubt in present conditions the expeditious production of maps in India cannot be assured bat: His Honour trusts that it will be possible in future to reduce the delay which has occurred and effect publication more promptly than has been the case this year. I have, &c., L. FRENCH, Additional Secretary to Government, Punjab. No. 8-Medl-2. COPY, with a copy of the Malaria Report, forwarded to- (1) the Secretary to Government, Punjab, Public Works Department, Buildings and Roads Branch, (2) the Secretary to Government, Punjab, Public Works Department, Irrigation Branch, (3) the Agent, North-Western Railway, (4) all Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners in the Punjab, for information and such action as may be possible. By order, &c., L. FRENCH, Additional Secretary to Government, Punjab. 1719 CS-490 -13·12·16-SGPP Lahore