?16 which he has always devoted to it. The reports he has now submitted are a very full record of the subjects with which they are concerned, and, indeed, contain some matter which might with advantage have been omitted. As, however, a separate report on plague will not in future be submitted His Honour thinks it unnecessary now to point out the details in which curtailment would have been desirable. The control of plague operations has recently been made one of the duties of the Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals, to whom the Chief Plague Medical Officer will be a Personal Assistant, and the history of plague will in future be reported and reviewed with the Annual Report on the Sanitary Ad- ministration of the Punjab. ORDER.-Ordered that the foregoing remarks be published in the Punjab Government Gazette; also that a copy, with copies of the Reports cited in the preamble, be forwarded to- (1) the Government of India, Home Department. (2) all Local Governments and Administrations, (3) all Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners in the Punjab. (4) the Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals, Punjab. (5) the Sanitary Commissioner, Punjab. (6) all Civil Surgeons in the Punjab. By order of the Hon'ble the Lieutenant-Governor9 A. B. KETTLEWELL, Judicial and Genl. Secy, to Govt., Punjab Punjal Government Press, Lahore-10-3-04-464.-J.B.